Monday, March 21, 2011

What does that look like.... and how do I enter in

I was laying upon my bed and all of a sudden my feet were upon tiles... they were white and bright and beautiful and cool and refreshing to stand upon ...

I was laying in my bed and I felt something.... I could have brushed it off... I could have rolled over and hugged my pillow and allowed sleep to drift me back off into another place.....

but there I was ...

I couldn't deny it... my feet ... the white tile.. the cool feeling.. the understanding of where I was.....

I was physically in my bed.... I could feel my pillow underneath my head... I could feel the mattress that my body laid upon and yet... at the same time my eyes and my whole being were else where and the life force of that else where was coursing through me and inviting me towards it....

So what is this all?

I have truly begun to enter into a place of wanting to not teach per se but to explain... to not just write about my encounters but to express the elements that surround them.. because there are moments and times and places for all to enter into moments like and not like these....

So this... I believe this was a vision that then manifested into a visitation of sorts..... there are moments within these times I get confused.... I couldn't tell you exactly where I am for I feel like I am in two places... at times as I go to write the experience only grows more intense and as I write about what has happened or is happening I am brought into that place all the more...

I do not profess complete understanding nor do I attempt to teach upon subjects that I have not the knowledge to do so... but I do this and I know this.... the fruit of these moments is that I am saturated in love... that in these moments scripture and some of the very truths Christ taught upon such as oneness and the relationship with Father come so vividly alive... that a wholeness and a completeness and a hunger for more of Him and His ways filters into all that I am... that is the fruit....

So I know that these are not delusions from the enemy.... ok.. so if they are not delusions from the enemy how do you know that they aren't just you and your over active imagination....

OK ... because I know my imagination and I could never imagine anything so good... oh yes .. can I falter into vain imaginings... yes, I can... but they are never like this... when I find myself drifting into soulish imaginings they are more of this world... and they never leave me in the same place as these moments with the Father leave me in.....

I end up repenting for wasting time thinking upon what if some horror happened to my family or what if something wonderful happened... or playing out multiple versions of conversations in my head ... they are a waste of time and have me step into a soulish place of intrigue... despair... delight... fancy..... they are not of spirit... they are certainly of soul... and those other times .. well those other times there is nothing about repenting... they are full of spirit.. they are full of fruit.. they are full of life.. and I always am stronger for those moments .. more fervently aware of His passions... His goodness... and the things of this world are so much more dim in the light of His glorious ways....

Fruit is a great testing ground for it ultimately tells you the origin of the experience... fruit ultimately confirms is this of the flesh.. soul .. spirit.. enemy.... and nothing can counterfeit the glorious fruit of the spirit.... nor would the enemy want to... and if you start in the soul but end in the spirit and are strengthened and encouraged towards God.. well then I truly believe you will learn to walk away more and more from soulish things and linger and live more within those times in the spirit.....

Perfect love casts out fear... moments of visitation while having a fear of God aspect to them will not result in confusion .... they will leave you richer ... more full of Him... if you are more full of you or doubt than check again..... if you are only hungry to have more of the exact experience then while it might have been of God you are faltering into flesh or soul.... for the desire should always be for more of Him.. not any one manifestation.... He is the prize.. He is the end result... not some illusion of spirituality or puffed up pride... but of grace and love and peace and patience and kindness and gentleness AND self control....

Fruit is a great testing ground for where something comes from...

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