couldn't look the man/doctor in the eyes, my head was too heavy for
my neck, literally. A week after the car accident I was sitting
once again in my regular doctor's office. Staring down at the
floor, I said, "I don't know, you tell me." But that wasn't
all I said. Still staring down at the floor, my heart lurched
and I couldn't tell which hurt more the entirety of my whole body or
my heart. It all hurt.
moved here almost ten months ago, right after launching our oldest
son into the next phase of his life. Before we could even get
acclimated here, major explosions were going off back from where we
came from, things that were affecting some of the people I love the
most. My aunt is fighting the battle for her life and my mom is
living each day with her, most anything I thought was a "given"
in life has evaporated. And on top of everything I am now in immense
physical pain. So I don't know doctor, I really don't know. You
tell me, am I depressed?"
couldn't see his expression, but across my path a tissue was handed
talked more and at the end of the conversation, he concluded that I
was able to say somethings felt better, I had hope and belief in
places and could speak of silver linings upon hard circumstances. It
was a very gentle and sweet conversation and answered a lot of
questions for me and my heart.
morning, four weeks into this thing, I'm beyond tired of my head
feeling like it is an orange being pressed into a juice maker. I'm
tired of the world having a fancy spin upon it and I would love to
look outside without wearing sunglasses. I'm tired of spending
the majority of my days laying down, with the world spinning and
tired of the bombs that won't seemingly stop going off. When
the landscapes of life are full of rubble and nothing makes sense and
there is no "normal" to go back to, and all it feels like
one can do is duck and cover. But waiting for all the bombs to
stop falling and for the dust to clear wasn't getting me anywhere.
and cover wasn't working. And I was angry. Angry that life was
continually spinning out of control. But really I was just angry.
Angry at God and others. I felt betrayed and wanted to blame
everyone and everything for all that was crashing in around me. I
felt duped again. I felt stupid for trusting and believing people,
the church, the Lord. I felt betrayed by hope and by my heart. I
felt ridiculous for letting go of a realistic view of things, aka
cynical view of things.
terrain of my life had the debris of the bombs that had hit it and I
was angry, and scurrying for a way out. The way out was going to be
painful. It was going to point the flashing bright neon sign, not at
anyone else, BUT straight at me. A huge blinking and bright neon
arrow was going to point directly at my own heart. And the God who I
want to serve, not a god of my own making, was going to ask me, “Do
you want to deal?” In the most amazing Fatherly voice, He was
going to come and rip off the band aids with the most gentle of
hated that I had needs. I hated that when I said, “I'm fine,” or
“I'm ok,” that that wasn't true and I couldn't will it to be
true. I hated that my heart was betraying me and the needs that I
had were screaming and leaking through every pore. I hated that I
was weak and vulnerable. I hated that I cared. I hated that I
needed help. I had embraced vulnerability and transparency yet had
come to a place where I despised them more than embrace them. I had
judged them to do nothing except show weakness, and everything felt
fraudulent. I had been vulnerable and shared my heart and my life
and had been left seeing or thinking how stupid the whole thing
was.... I wanted something different. But the “different,” felt
cold and even more fraudulent. I was angry at how stuck I felt.
felt trapped. And those I had sought for counsel in the past felt
gone. Each part, of the landscapes of my life, that I had thought I
had, had been decimated. And right when it felt like it couldn't
get worse, the car accident happened.
reality was I had needs and I was vulnerable. Vulnerable to a world
that is fallen and where really bad things can happen. Vulnerable,
ie not in control. I was angry that I was not in control. And
realizing how very little I really trusted the Lord. How very little
I trusted anyone. Trust had been broken in so many places and each
was like a shard waiting to stab at my heart.
again the neon sign wasn't pointing at any of those events, it was
pointing at me. And a slow, quiet, persistent battle would begin.
It continues. What I have learned in the last four weeks of life
where there has been no other choice but to rest, is the lesson of
choice. I can hate weakness and vulnerability all I want, I can
paint upon my face and will within my soul to close down and be
whoever I want, BUT at some point... at some point, it will collapse.
Maybe the charade can last longer in your life but not in mine. The
anger and hostility and bitterness was only eating at my own soul.
liken unto the situation Peter found himself in, I squared off with
Jesus... and spoke similar words, “I have no other place to go.”
Believe me if I thought I did I would be heading there... But I
don't. I don't even believe as much as I once did that You will even
really help, but I do know you care and I do believe that though
things don't look at all like I would want them to, I do want to
believe that You are working around the scenes and working all things
for my good. I will believe that. I am willing to believe that.
He is
so contrary to most everything of this world. His ways and thoughts
are so distinctly different, higher... better.. full of life. This
world is dying. It is passing away Yet it was this world and things
of this world that I was letting and wanting to fill the needs of my
heart. I had learned those lessons in the past. This turn of
revisiting them were going to depths unseen before.
now... Now, I still have not a clue. Still sitting amidst some of
that rubble of landscapes torn apart by life or other's choices,
situations and circumstances don't change at the drop of a hat, but a
heart can begin to.
want to know Jesus not for I would make Him to be; Judas Escariot,
wanted Jesus to be the immediate deliverer of Israel against the
Romans and had not a larger vision. I can fall privy to that. The
multitudes wanted to be fed, healed and delivered but not told the
harder lessons, OH, I am so like that... Martha complained to Jesus
and in her bitterness spewed, “if only you had been here,” not
waiting or trusting His heart nor His intentions.. how often that is
me. It isn't my time table, you left me wanting, you didn't do what I
thought you were going to, and the list goes on and on...
that place He speaks, “Are you leaving too?”
look up and as my heart honestly speaks, I do know better. I know
there is no other place to go. I don't know how to walk here. I
don't know how to know You, for who you really are and not an idol I
would make you into be, but I want you to be my God. I want to trust
you. I want to know you. From there we continue to walk together
through all the rubble and the terrain filled with exploded bombs.
This was like reading my own thoughts.... ones I haven't found words for. So similar are the struggles you mentioned that I almost see your tears mingled with mine on the kitchen table as they fall from my cheek. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing, Mims.
When I saw the picture and read your blog, I was thinking of it as something that I will be walking into in the future, but then the Spirit reminded me that just this morning, I "heard" the windows in church shattering and on previous occasions I have "seen" the walls collapsing. The reality of this and the suffering associated with it press in on me.
May the Spirit of Jesus rise up within you, strengthen you, and give you peace.
Betty Carty
I needed to read this. It felt like someone was reading the words written on my heart and I cried knowing I wasn't the only one who feels this way. I prayed your words to God because I hadn't thought of how to word it before. Thank you for sharing. God bless & keep you.
Thank you so much for your words. I can very much relate to them as if I was speaking them myself. I really appreciate your transparency.
God bless you
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