Friday, April 4, 2014

Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. 
Body of Christ, save me. 
Blood of Christ, inebriate me. 
Water from the side of Christ, wash me. 
Passion of Christ, strengthen me. 
O Good Jesus, hear me. 
Within your wounds hide me. 
Permit me not to be separated from you.
 From the wicked foe, defend me. 
At the hour of my death, call me and bid me come to you That with your saints I may praise you For ever and ever. Amen.

Life handed me a car accident.
God handed me a prayer.

I've never been one big on devotionals or anything like that.  Daily practices yes but nothing normally found in a 365 day type devotional.  Still spend more time just waiting upon Him and reading scriptures and writing. However, through a series of events I found The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius. I found it so intriguing that having walked with Stir The Water for almost a decade and believed in spiritual exercises and training our senses to discern that which is around us, I found a very similar heart within a tradition that I had known nothing about.

It has been an incredibly precious intersection of faith for me.  Saved at 19 and lived within Charismatic circles for the last 23 years.  And yet I feel such a drawing towards liturgy as well. One church I know calls it, "The Liturgy and The Shout."

Such wealth of faith and encouragement has entered into me through these magnificent exercises, confirmation of what we have done and new paths to walk upon.

Within them I was introduced to this prayer... I felt I was to take it slowly.  A line per day, even longer.. pausing.. waiting.. meditating upon each statement.  What was it really speaking to me?

And then today I entered into a very sweet and peaceful understanding.

I had been laying down and just resting when I realized that the presence in the room was so inviting. It was so comforting. It was so peaceful. I felt wrapped. I felt secure.  I felt warm.  I wrote in my journal, "A solid quietness has pervaded my day.  It has been beautiful, beautiful and quiet, and solid and steady; did I say quiet?"

I have  been working on taming my tongue. (Not spouting out every emotional vomit that I would want to ... you spend almost four weeks in bed and see what you would be saying... )
I have been inviting Christ into my emotions. I have been inviting Christ into my minutes. (More on that soon in another posting)  

As I sat in His presence.  It's sweet solidness pervaded the room.  I hadn't asked for Him to come. I hadn't even spent "time" with Him this morning.  I had been working on getting my emotions in check around some disappointments I had been facing.  I wasn't pouting and ignoring Him, but I wasn't welcoming either.. A neutral standoff of sorts or so I would like to think. But He is never neutral. Especially when it comes to one of His own.

Then.. out of the blue, He reminded me of the first line in the Anima Christi.  

Traditional version: "Soul of Christ, sanctify me."  Contemporary translation: "Jesus, may all that is you flow into me."

Revelation hit me heart.  One of my life verses... Isaiah 30:15... It was that quietness spoken of there... and a quiet and solid strength was indeed being added to my soul...  I had been trying to control my words, trying to hand over my emotions, trying to not give into patterns of the flesh, the world, the enemy.... And I realized He had taken my proverbial two loaves and had multiplied them...  

Soul of Christ, Sanctify me....  All that is of you, Jesus, set me apart, consecrate me unto yourself, declare me whole and holy through you and your ways...

Yes, we must be careful of the traditions of men and not nullify the word of God nor our faith by them, however (ESPECIALLY in Charismatic and Pentecostal communities), we must not throw them away either. Their rich heritage and historical value have voices for all of us today...

The ways of Christ sanctify me, call me out and away from things of this world. My "rights" are crucified and I am declared dead and yet alive. Abundantly alive in Him.. Be blessed....

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