This season has shown me all I would want to believe about God and His ways are true. Places within me have been confronted ever so deeply at how much I have been a person of the world and its ways.
The ways of the Lord are utterly counter culture to the ways of man.
Rest and trust and leaning are really the postures that advance the Kingdom of the Lord. What the world would perceive as weakness and foolishness are actually the hidden gems that we must learn how to search out...
Then this week, I was lead to this most perfect verse in Exodus... Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent."
I have found that has I have leaned and leaped or stagnated and pulled away, that His ways are so majestic and so thoroughly the way upon which my life needs to be lived.
Rest and trust are not laziness and inactivity. They are the powerful force of the Kingdom.
I have trusted in horses,chariots, men and proverbial armies.. I have trusted in the wisdom and strategies of this age instead of the ways of God. I have wanted the 32,000 of Gideon and only found myself reduced to the 300. But in the reduction I have found the victories of God and they are oh so much more satisfying.
I could gain the whole world but lose my soul and I have watched as people in the world and people in the ministry have done such things, I know not the direction my path is taking. I know not the next steps beyond the day. I know not what the future looks like. And that is terrifying and disquieting, and rumble in my soul.
I don't come to weakness easily, I don't come to trust easily, I actually hate vulnerability and transparency even while I embrace it..... I have found that there is no other way. Or let me restate that .. the other way, I can not embrace. I can not embrace a poker face. I can not embrace while I want to, "an I don't care or it is FINE," mentality. I want to close down my heart and lock it up behind a dead bolt lock and live BUT the problem is that isn't life and the death that causes (AND that I have tasted) is a far worse death then the life of walking admitting my need, my weakness and waiting upon Him to renew my strength and to heal my heart...
I am a child of another Kingdom... and its ways and its law of love must be branded on the interior of my being in such a way that forms me out. To live contrary to that is to not live a life of fidelity to the one I call Lord, and I NEED to call Him Lord.. but then I don't get my way.. THANK GOD
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