Not as the world gives do I give to you is His promise....
I am so riveted tonight...
No.. I am not seeing Him, I am not hearing Him.... I am not having a visitation or a moment being pulled into Him...
I pull myself into the remembrance of Him....
There is no place I would rather be....
So I want to linger... I want to pause ... I want to reflect upon Him...
I was the sick that He came to make well..
I am the broken that He came to make whole
I am the grief stricken that He came to comfort
I am the poor that He came to make rich
There is no place I would rather be than sitting at His feet....
His compassion is startling to me...
His capacity for compassion is startling to me...
His healing and His power flow forth from that place of compassion.... Yes, to bring honor and glory to His Father... but His compassion for the people is staggering....
I spoke with a dear new friend the other day.... And within the conversation I was more thoroughly convinced than ever before that the foundation for healing is solely upon the word of God and not the philosophies and experiences of men.
It is a dangerous place when scripture is contorted to fit a man's philosophy... It is scripture that breaths forth truth and the spirit that leads us into Freedom.... Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom!
I spoke with this dear friend and spent time just speaking gentle and sweet truth into her... At one point she asked me if I wrote the things I was saying over her, the prayer, down... And I paused and reflected and then knew what to say... I said I don't have to write down a prayer that was being prayed because all I had prayed was scripture...
I am not pointing people to me, or to some vain philosophy... philosophies of men that keep people in bondage to brokenness...
Healing has poured into my life through grace and beautiful truths of Christ... It is the truth that comes to set the captive free.. and there is grace for the heart that has been so programmed by pain and experience to believe lies to be awoken and wooed to truth...
I tell you the truth some of what I end up hearing about inner healing models sound just as hideous as the occult like practices that might have caused some of the issues.... Jump through this hoop... scramble through that one... do this this way... say this that way... And while there are times I will lead people through prayers and follow certain paths I have been taught the thing that I am realizing time and time again..... more than ever.... That faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God... and Time and time again Jesus said... "Your faith as made you well..." To the blind man spoken of in Luke to the girl that Matthew tells us the story...
I will harp on this... I will stand here.... I will shout forth.... There is a path and it isn't full of contorted man made notions... It is full of Jesus... It is full of Father.. It is full of Holy Spirit...
The more and more I step into this place myself and the more I speak into other's lives... I am beyond convinced (and this isn't a name it and claim it take the scripture and use it to justify your desire for wealth) I am beyond convinced of the compassion of Christ... I am beyond convinced of the mercy and grace and passion of Christ... I am beyond convinced that within the prescription of scripture there is hope, wholeness, life, peace, joy and fullness....
There isn't a set prescription that will "work" for each son or daughter.. The healing journey is as unique to each as their finger print....
The capacity to know Jesus' heart, His capacity to make His heart known... His ability to set the captives free I believe has been historically proven.... I'm going to set all my eggs in this basket...
In Him we have life... Within the scriptures exist the most beautiful reality for the human heart.. the human mind.... within the image we are shown of Father and of Jesus there is power.... Power to make broken hearts and minds and lives well and whole....
Colossians 2:8 SAYS IT BEST!!!!
See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
The only place I know to point.. is to Jesus.... and to say that God has passion for you, that God has a greater desire for you to be made whole than you do....
People ask me all the time about my healing and the process and how it has most played out.... and time and time again when my focus is upon Him... My heart and mind are made whole... Because it is the mind of Christ... because it is about a peace that passes all understanding....
Those things are real and strong and eternal....
The words of man and thoughts and opinions of man will all pass away.... but His word will endure forever...
The more freedom I experience .. the more I walk this journey.. the more I am thrust into His truth.. into Him... He has never abandoned.. never forsaken... never left alone... I am sheltered by that reality and it is powerful....
Beyond powerful... The world is full of lies and corruption BUT Christ has truth that permeates beyond measure... beyond all understanding His love draws us into fullness only the way He can...
Be blessed... Fall ever more in love with Him and discover daily anew His passion for you...
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