He sat across from us and was talking all about the ministry he and his organization were doing. I was getting distracted. That which he was saying and his outward excitement and passions were being drowned out by the cry within his heart. As I watched him and began to pray I was moved with compassion. This man, who had a beautiful heart for God and authentically was loving people, was hurting. Deeply hurting and needed to know how thoroughly seen he was...
I think of the countless amount of people who through the years I have interacted with, I think of the times I have been places ministering and wondered if people actually would ever see me and not just that which I do, I have thought about how Jesus saw the people and was moved with compassion.
I think about how people view the human being who ministers and the ministry that flows out of them as one and the same.
There is that which God does through a beautiful vessel and then there is the beautiful vessel.
The beautiful vessel who is left spent after ministering in the power and authority of the Lord. Just look at Elijah. While people might not be literally witnessing fire fall from heaven and consume offerings, they are watching the power and presence of God pour over people and the human needs are the same.
So I interrupted the man that was sitting across the table from me, and began to share the Lord's heart for him. There was another sitting at the table who had known this man for a good long while. Time kept passing as words came forth out of my mouth and the revelation and compassion of God filled the place.
The understanding, I land within these days, that brings intense comfort is that wherever we "make our bed" per se, is a place the Lord will meet us... There is no place the Lord will not go. "If we make our bed in Sheol He is there!"
People ache to be seen... People ache to be known... Seen and Known for Who They ARE... NOT for who people perceive them to be....
People have lived all their lives holding onto things that they don't know how to release...
Jesus was moved with compassion and healing erupted.
People were made whole, physically, spiritually.. emotionally.
It doesn't matter whether a person is a CEO of a fortune 500 company or a pauper on the street, the heart ache and the heart hunger and the need is the same. Now the man who sits at the top of a high rise can definitely cover and fill that need with more than the pauper on the street however that DOES NOT leave him or her better off.
Be no respecter of persons... not just for you ... BUT FOR THEM.... Those that sit in the front are in need as much as those that sit in the back...
This man that I spoke with was suicidal and desperate, but not seen... the cry of his heart not heart... he was just holding on and going through the motions and trying to put one step in front of the other and walk out what he felt God had placed upon his life...
As time passed he was coming back alive, as time passed his heart had been resuscitated with hope... No, not all his problems had resolved, but he knew behind his suit, beyond his exterior that he had been seen not for what he does or would ever do but for who he is as a son of God.
May we have eyes that see.. REALLY SEE... and may we have hearts FULL of compassion... This is why we operate in revelation. Jesus SAW that which the Father was doing and walked into it with a heart wide open. The hunger that fills you... the need that would try and consume you... the places that would haunt you ... the past, present, future... IT is IN the hands of our Lord as are you... Nothing can pluck you out of Father's hand.
He wants you to know the assurance of that... He wants you to breath in the safety of that... He wants you to have the comfort of knowing His affections.. He wants you to know that you are seen... you are seen ...
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