Right around the time I began this blog I did a 100 day project with the Lord. I have chronicled that journey in the beginning posts back in 2008 and in 2009. A few days ago I knew Father was calling me towards another 100 days.
When I started the other 100 day project I weighed in the physical over 235 pounds, in the spirit the weight was immeasurable. These last 4-5 years have seen so many transitions. I learned that intentional living is amazing but no 5 step plan will ever be enough. I saw the power of choice and decisions being made and yet also learned that there are many times where the only choice I can make is to not give up. I learned to not receive acceptance or love based on the conditions of men but on the fact that I am a daughter of the Lord Most High. I found that shame and disappointment and anger bare down upon the human soul and leave the victim exhausted.
So when the Lord started talking about another 100 days I wondered what He was wanting to do, and He spoke, "take every thought captive." Know me.
Take Every Thought Captive.
I love listening to my friend, Rick Sizemore, (DealingJesus.com) teach. The thing is if you listen even when just hanging out the man teaches all the time. Such a moment happened just recently. We were hanging out and within the conversation I caught a hold of his heart in regards to a specific area. I realized that I had accepted the American life mentality in this area. I realized that in my heart of hearts that which American life dictates about circumstances was more true than that which Jesus says, and I sat there convicted. My friend kept just sharing his story as my heart and mind raced towards repentance and hunger.
Then the other day I am out at a park. My attention is drawn to two men. And as I watched them, the Lord began to speak. I knew they went to church. I knew they had families. I knew they knew how to be cordial and appropriate and well meaning. I knew they were hurting inside. I knew they covered up that hurt with trips to the golf course, memberships to the country club, children enrolled in the right school. I knew their strength and their confidence was in that which they do and in that which they have and in who they are within their community. "Good" men, "good" men perishing silently.
Take every thought captive.
Take every thought captive to the glory of the Lord. The glory; the thoughts, opinions and recognition of the Lord!
Lately God has spoken in very interesting ways to me. He spoke tenderly but firmly. He conveyed that there were areas where I allowed my own thoughts and opinions, the thoughts and opinions of the world, the thoughts and opinions of the enemy to trump that which He would say.
Take me at my word. I am trustworthy and I am true. Then the other day I saw this bumper sticker, some what corny I know, but it simply stated, "Live the Life you Love." As cheesy as it is... there was weight on it.... So many times we ask the Lord what am I supposed to do.... in 5 simple words He spoke an encyclopedia worth of truth.
I am passionate for Him...
I am passionate for you...
I am passionate for the Kingdom of God....
I am passionate in the power of transformational love...
I am passionate for kindness and its capacity to bring forth change ... IT IS THE KINDNESS OF GOD THAT BRINGS PEOPLE TO REPENTANCE....
Someone recently asked me if in light of this new season in my blog if I had any concerns that there would be backlash. I was honestly somewhat confused until I realized what they were talking about. What if someone I wouldn't want to read about my past reads my blogs, knows I was once mentally ill, doesn't believe in healing and looks at me or my family in weird ways.
Sounds like they have a problem.
And I am not being coy.
The grace of the Lord is upon me that I will not be silent. I will speak up on behalf of the hurting, I will write and speak about all that surrounds mental illness, abuse, silence, pain and suffering... I believe in healing. I believe in the healing power of our God. The thoughts and opinions and recognition of men is like building on sand to me... it will all get swept away.
We all stand as human beings. No greater or lesser than one another in the sight of God. No more loved... no less loved... we are all loved. It is a force of power, the love of God, and I know that understanding the force of the power of that LOVE that knows no height, no depth, no width, no length transforms all that it touches. That is what these next 100 days are about. There is nothing that can truly withstand the love of God.
Take every thought captive... Is it true? Is it noble? Is it of good report? Is it seeking its own? Is it kind? Is it honorable? Towards self, towards others, towards the future, in regards to the past...
Nothing... NOTHING!!!! Nothing separates me from the love of Christ.... and nothing can pluck me from the Father's hand... When there is sorrow He promises comfort, when there is confusion He promises clarity, when there is doubt He provides faith... His love is strong.. consistent... powerful...
So taking every thought captive... embracing the ways and means of God into more and more of who I am that excites me.....
Take note... journal today... write your thoughts down about your self.. your life... your day.... Is that what God says?
I am learning that in repentance and rest is my salvation in more and more ways... I will rest.. I will take the time for this ... I will repent... I will acknowledge when I think something of myself or my world that is contrary to the ways and nature of God and I will ask for forgiveness and I will ask for grace.....
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18
The thoughts and opinions and recognition of God.....
We ARE being TRANSFORMED more and more into His image.. His ways... the image in which we were created to carry... We were created in His image and He is transforming us back into that which we have always been!
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