Tuesday, April 16, 2013

For those that help.... For those who love the hurting... Part One... Bless you

I remember the days and nights that would pass.  I remember waiting all day long for a phone call.  I remember when she wouldn't pick up her phone.  I remember being terrified that one day it wasn't going to be her on the other line but her mom or the police.  I remember having to let go of the fact that I couldn't keep her alive.  I remember having to come to terms with and trust God with her life even if it meant her death.

I had a dear friend, one of the dearest, who struggled with depression and bi polar disorder.  She has walked over thirty years through seasons of peace and seasons of torment.

Last night as I was going to sleep I knew that today I would write to those that help.  I could feel the heart of God as He caused me to remember walking with my friend and walking with others.  I have walked with the ones who live their lives with great internal mental stress and I have walked with their support systems.  I have been that support system and I have been that person.

There are many places I want to go in this series.  Today I just want to start with a blessing. We will go other places together this week, but today... Today I want you to hear these words as a prayer... as encouragement... as a blessing to your soul.

I pray that His perfect love would wash fear off your life and bring forth the assurance of His presence, His affection, His passion...  I pray that you would be comforted into the depths of your being.  I pray that rest, real rest, would enter into the most interior places within, giving heavenly assurance into your heart.. into your mind.

I pray that Father would give you eyes to see not as the world sees but as He sees,  you would have courage and strength to see the situations you walk out through His perspective.  I pray that your ears would hear His heart beat and His voice of triumph.  I pray that your heart would be empowered to know that the Lord's triumph is assured, (even when it looks different then that which we wanted to see.)

I pray that the new mercies that come with the morning would carry you and sustain you through out your entire day.  I pray that strength from on High would flow into your being and into the places where weakness seems to rule.

I pray a sanctuary for you.  I pray safe places for you.  I pray quiet places for you in the midst of the storms of life, in the midst of the raging winds and waves, I pray safe harbors for your soul.  I pray that the anguish that stands ever present as you watch your loved one suffer would dissipate as you find your place in the arms of God.

I pray a quiet around you.  I pray security for you.  I pray a release over you from the thoughts and opinions of others, even the thoughts and opinions you have of your self.

I pray that the hope that does not ever disappoint would carry you upon the wings of eagles today and that you would know that you know that you know that nothing ... NOTHING... can snatch you out of the Father's hand.


I remember last year when our son, Gideon, was very sick and there weren't any answers.  I remember after five weeks of watching him live in horrible pain, we had a "good day."  I breathed.  I breathed a sigh of relief.  It was amazing to see him not suffering.  The "day" was a blip on the screen of that time.  The next morning would find us in the emergency room.  I had gotten used to the bad days... I hadn't expected a "good" one.  When it came and went it was almost more traumatic then all the bad days put together.

The roller coaster ride of those weeks would cease when the dearest of friends would step in with council that carries me to this day.  He would speak that situations and circumstances do not .. DO NOT... get to dictate or determine the wellness of my soul.  IT WAS WELL WITH MY SOUL. PERIOD!

Easier said then done some days  but it gave me the place to shoot forth from... It gave me the place to focus and begin to pray from, when I would feel myself drowning in the abyss of all that the circumstances demanded I would push back upon their demand and declare it was well with my soul.

Whether it is a child, a spouse, a friend, a relative with mental illness that you find yourself walking along side, please know you are not alone, please know that there is comfort and strength and hope for you and for them BUT ALSO for you.  Be good to yourself.  Take care of yourself.  Release yourself.

Listen to Father's voice and let Him comfort your soul.  Let the peace that passes all understanding flood you and carry you and saturate you. May you be encapsulated in the love that knows no height, no depth, no width, no length....

May you be carried in grace and the strength of heaven.

Bless you.... you are cherished....  you are of great importance not for what you are doing but for you....

Bless you...

1 comment:

Sam said...

I have something although it scares me, I want to share with you .... But it is not something I want anyone else to hear.....do you have a private email that I can send you something?
Sam (Suzanne)