I don't walk in those circles much... I don't mind... And at the end of this I might come across as a simpleton, a fool or a child... in all ways I am ok with each.. because I don't mind simple, I will be a fool for Christ, and in this time we live in the faith of a child is often what is needed. Actually what is probably needed is a child who is willing to say, to whatever emperor that is parading around with the "finest" of clothes that they aren't.. they are simply NAKED.
In this I want to be liken to that child and say to those who parade around being followed by those who don't really see but pretend to see, that there is a nakedness that needs to be covered not condemned. So I desire to act like the boys of Noah who walked in backwards covering up nakedness but not being unaware...
I remember having a conversation with one who was trying to figure out what Jesus would say to a homosexual friend..... He brought up good points. As I listened to Him speak I heard thoughts and opinions and was intrigued. He spoke of his more conservative friends and then he spoke of his more liberal friends and he shared his heart.
Recently I have been pulled into some personal research. So much talk about this one and that one from the Emerging church. And I am interested. I'm interested in a jesus that appeals to the masses. Jesus appealed to the masses until He didn't.
There are things that people's ears are always going to be itchy to hear... we read that in scripture. There are hearts out there that have been so hurt by traditional, "conservative" religion that they attributed to Jesus.. People who had the millstones of the Pharisees put around their necks and the weight and the burden of it is too much to bear. The pendulum is swinging and swinging dangerously high towards the other end.
Back to my friend who was wondering what Jesus would say to his homosexual friend. I listened to terms, liberal.. conservative... and I responded in some manner like this....
I am not in circles that talk much about "liberal" or "conservative," we talk about Jesus. I think Jesus would have a lot to say to the liberal church. I think Jesus would have a lot to say about the conservative church. I think it would be liken to the experience in Revelation. "This you do well... This I have against you." I think we are delusional and given over to deception if we receive the message of one side of the pendulum over the other.
I think Jesus would have words that would astonish all that heard what He would speak to your friend. I think that you couldn't predict truly what it is that He would say. I think that is what terrifies everyone who tries to follow Him. You are following Him and so are the crowds but then He stops and says something like you must eat His flesh and drink His blood and the crowds disperse.
I wonder if He would speak to your friend in parables or if He would speak directly to Him. I wonder if He would call your friend out of a tree like Zacchaeus and say He was going to eat at his house today, I wonder if He would drop down into the dust and begin to write and getting up He would speak that there was no one that is left to condemn and neither would He BUT go and sin no more.. AH yes.. my friends of the liberal side of the pendulum... JESUS.. the real Jesus, says things like, "go and sin no more."
What would Jesus say to the homosexual friend. I don't know. I haven't sat with that person. I haven't heard their story. I know this.. Jesus wouldn't say what the conservative church 9 times out of 10 would say to him... but I know this as well.. Jesus wouldn't say what the liberal church 9 times out of 10 would say to him either... I know this.. Jesus would be Jesus...
I know this.. there are people who know my name who have never met me and have only heard my voice or read what I have written. Because I share pictures of my family and I you have seen pictures of me... You know this about me.. You know I am white. You know that I am female. You don't know that I am 42 but I am telling you that fact. You know I speak English. I don't have much of an accent we have moved around too much.
So I am not European. I am not black. I am not Native American. I am not male. I am not 25 but I am not 69. If someone wanted to describe me to someone else who didn't know me they COULD say whatever they wanted. Some might be true. Some might not. You would have to meet me and see me and know me to know what I am and what I am not. You would have to know my nature and character.
Now where my nature and character sadly might change depending on the time of month or how tired I am .. we are promised that God has no shadow of turning that He is who He is...
I have to say I feel safe and terrified by Jesus as He is... He will point out my sin but He will forgive me and set me back upon my feet and walk with me.... He won't let me get away with whining that there is no one to put me in the waters at the proverbial pool of Bethesda, but He will gently come to me by His tomb and call me by name and understand my fears and sadnesses. Jesus as He is .. Is startling and beautiful and good and frightening... The religious bones in my body quake as do the ones that falter into cheap grace.
Jesus is beautiful and mighty. As in the words of C S Lewis and a beaver.. He is not safe BUT He is good.... Jesus is the safest person to come to if you come without agenda... He is the scariest person to come to if you are trying to remake Him in your own image.. You might be blinded and knocked off your horse or you might be encountered on dusty streets. The real Jesus is not the one the seeker friendly church, the conservative church, the liberal church, the emerging church would make Him to be... HE IS THAT HE IS.... How would you know what I would say to your homosexual friend? It is to ask me.... How would you know what Jesus would say to your homosexual friend? Ask Him.
When you do make sure you know His nature and character and that you haven't written a script for Him that appeals to your senses. Jesus' truest responses will always leave you in awe or in anger. Just look at those He interacted with when He walked upon the earth.
Wow, such simple but profound words..... I need to study the character of Christ....honestly I think many of us do. Really, deep words of insight.
I really like the part with the agenda-less-ness.
Beautifully spoken and deeply impacting. Thanks for sharing.
Beautifully expressed!
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