Friday, November 1, 2013

I come from Laughter... November 1, 2013.. She thinks the orange smells more like a lemon.. No, this isn't some spiritual exercise happening early in the Driscoll household...

The challenge to find joy....

Let November be a month were you find that joy comes in the morning....

Here is the Challenge....

For each day that is in November and corresponding to the number  that is the date.. will be the number of intentional moments of joy that you must find within the 24 hours....

Now in these lower days you MAY and DEFINITELY should try to FIND and TAKE more...  But let everyday in November be a journey further into JOY....

Journal about it... Whether it be list on your phone.. or in a journal...  Grasp a hold of JOY and take pictures of those moments....

By November 30th you will see ever more that the JOY of the LORD IS INDEED your strength....

My  November 1st moment of JOY.... I picked a really simple one to show that what I mean by joy filled moments can be small, intentionally filled moments of interaction and participation...

It started with Elizabeth walking into the room with a knife and an orange.  I pulled her into me and showed her that a knife wasn't needed.  We peeled it together.  We smelled it.. She thinks the orange smells more like a lemon.. Hhhhmmm interesting...  NOTE to self.. go to store and buy a lemon and cut them both up and let her compare...

Joy was the real fruit.. no, I didn't pick a fruit on purpose so that I could say that...

We also looked at the most majestic tree in our front yard.. It has erupted in color and both Greg and Lizzie love it....

When I enter into joy on purpose a life force enters my being... There is something about being intentional about joy that fills the soul...

1) Moment with Lizzie and an orange that smelled more like a lemon to her....

SHARE yours....  Can't wait for November 30th.... What a joy filled day that will be....

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