So my day yesterday was full of grace moments but it wasn't full of time at home... I left the house before 8am and didn't return until close to 10pm.... What did that mean? Well, for me it meant that I didn't have my laptop with me. I hadn't anticipated not being back to the house and throughout the day kept trying to fit in an hour to get home as to post and get some other work done...
Except my 7 year old son wanted these new rubber bands that he just had to have. (first window at 4pm to go home was thwarted because sometimes a kid just needs to have to know that he is what takes priority.) It wasn't the rubber bands it was the fact that I knew it would matter to his heart (as the youngest boy and number 5 ) that what he wanted would take precedent.
This morning when I came to begin this post I felt a deep understanding to what one of the truest points of joy is... GRACE....
I had more that 3 moments of JOY yesterday.
I had felt the importance to the Lord's heart that His people would be given sustenance to sustain them through the wildernesses of life, that His forgiveness was so very real and that He calls us by a new name. I understood that the "names" we often call ourselves fall far short of the reality of the NAMES He calls us ... I felt His hunger and His passion for His people throughout the day....
I had sat with good friends, I laughed and joked.. I watched my children do the same... (There is nothing really more joyful than to see your children full of joy and delight.)
I had a friend save my heart.. ok probably my kid's hearts and potentially lives.. (Not really BUT uuuhhhmmm close.) I was truly tired. Looking forward to the banquet but not at the same time. Jim's been traveling quite a bit these days and so as 6pm approached yesterday, ie the football banquet, and it looked like I was taking the 4 and 7 year old along with me, the lack of sleep and the pace of the last few days was catching up with me.
I pulled into the church parking lot to pick up Gideon and before I was pulling out heading off to the banquet, the immense and truly life saving offer to watch the younger two of the Driscoll tribe had been spoken. Driving off I touched grace... It permeated my soul. I held back the tears. I just sat in the reality of grace.
This morning when I came to my laptop and thought of having not posted concerning three moments of joy, the larger lesson came full circle. GRACE!
November 4th.... 4 Moments of Joy...
1) The moment I learned that the reality of giving myself grace equated to joy! Be gracious and kind towards yourself.. I rarely am. I was talking to a friend yesterday and I said that I actually don't mind my critics. I have realized that there truly aren't many people out there that would be more critical of myself than I am already being.... I recognize all too often and all to easily where I miss the mark on a regular basis. It matters to me... It needs to matter less. Those that understand will thoroughly understand.
2) Sleeping in... Jim who has been away took up the responsibilities of the morning and I slept in.. Matter of fact I am still in pajamas and still sitting upon my bed. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... NICE... GRACE!
3) In praying about a fast my church is doing.. I felt the Lord explain to me the reasons behind what He was asking of me... and in hearing His heart my own heart was moved..... "Take better care of yourself." He said. Instead of saying "fast diet coke." He spoke... "take better care of yourself." Here I am supposed to be fasting and the Lord is caring for my heart. I knew He wanted me to only drink water but He spoke it in such a way that didn't communicate lack but spoke LIFE. He didn't say fast media and don't watch netflix. He said that He wanted me to have rest. (I knew and understood the other. Don't stay up late watching shows.) Instead of saying what not to eat... He spoke of what I could eat... In each and every asking of His was the heart beat.. "Take better care of yourself." Be diligent with your life and take care of yourself.. Take those vitamins Jim lays out for me.. get rest... drink water.. eat raw vegetables... GRACE
4) Sitting with my youngest son and playing with those rubber bands that he so desperately wanted and sitting with him and spending the quiet moments before the day takes off.
YES... Today's lessons about JOY are full of grace...
Be kind to yourself today and realize that God's grace flows in abundance. Be diligent with yourself today and know that it matters to the Lord that you take good care of yourself. Enjoy grace today! What does it look like to enjoy the reality of God as He transforms our lives from glory to glory. Walking with Him and being pulled into His likeness. Grace isn't cheap! Grace comes with a huge price tag.. But He supplied all that we had need of...
Today's JOY is the deeper realization of GRACE and then it isn't four moments it is every moment....
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