So in the light of the joy challenge my mind and thoughts and heart started to think about the things that matter.... My son loves this tree that is in the front yard... My son loves when I sit on the stoop with him and just watch him play.... there aren't better moments .. or could there be....
I love the way this tree has arrived this Fall... It brings me great joy when I drive up towards our home.. and see it's amazing colors.
And I love words and quotes and expressions that make you pause and wonder.. Noteworthy sayings and truths that one feels richer after meditating upon the phrase....
So today.. November 2.. My two joys are 1)celebrating Fall and my youngest two kids by laying on the grass and gazing up at the sky and 2) looking at words that cause my soul to be stretched and grown...
Because as I said we are not ever limited to the moments of joy created.. I have to admit there have been more moments of joy in the last two hours of this morning than I think my heart can contain... This goes into proving a thought that I had.... That as one plants one seed of joy one thousand pop up and two seeds of joy created ten thousands of moments..... They begin to create a flow of life and atmosphere where Holy Spirit can come and dwell... Gratitude and joy begin to overflow and amidst whatever the day may or may not bring we are made strong... For the joy of our God.. the joy of our Lord will carry us and lift us up into a life of strength and beauty and wonder and awe....
3) Hearing Greg and Elizabeth's voice early in the morning as they talk to one another and giggle and converse upon matters to great for adults..
5) You would have to know my son, Gregory's passion for all things office supplies to appreciate this but this morning as he came and sat down upon the sofa right next to me, he was holding two pens. "Do you want one mom?" He asked... I looked at him, knowing that to him he was offering me pure gold. "You really want me to have one?' I asked. "Yes, mom." Was his reply. Pure gold. Pure joy.
6) Having felt distant from our 13 year old daughter I pushed into the early morning and opened her door and got into bed with her... As she awoke her expression was concerning the beauty of the surprise of my presence. I expressed that I had missed her. And we laid in bed together and I got to hear all about her school and her friends and I got to pray over her and thank God for her.
7)Being me... Today I am just taking a moment of joy to be glad to get to be me.. with all my insanity.. and all my lack.. all my inability to keep a clean house or order the days the way I would want...Today I am taking a moment to take joy in the fact that I am overcoming fear in ways that I never thought I would... Today I am taking a moment to agree with God that I am all together beautiful without spot or blemish and in me there is a good thing found. Yes... Today.. I take the joy challenge and it begins in my home.. with me.. with the kids.. with creation.. with beauty.. with Jesus (I got accused recently of not saying His name enough... ) Lol... Hey, I can hear all sorts of feedback and glean that which I am supposed to glean... Today I am joyful not based on circumstances or situations.. My joy is not birthed forth from this world... I will make expressions of joy into the world but the world will not dictate to me the reality of my joy.....
Be joyful today... I pray for purposeful moments of joy into your day.. At least two of them for today.. but may they flow deep and in abundance....
1 comment:
THANK YOU!!! This is truly and about Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory!! "AWESOME""
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