Sunday, May 5, 2013

Well then, if that's the case you will have to call me a murderer, whore, or liar...

If you don't know me personally you might not know how much I attempt to watch my words and have cultivated a desire to speak life and beauty into all things. So when I entered into this conversation I was some what unprepared for what would come out of my mouth.

I thoroughly believe in the tenderness, kindness and compassion of our God to bring people closer to Him, I am just surprised sometimes at what comes out of my  mouth....  I was glad my friends were sitting next to me because I think I was just as shocked as they were...

So I was sitting with a beautiful friend who is trying to navigate the waters of false beliefs.  As I listened to her share her heart so beautifully my own confessions poured forth out of my mouth...

If you are going to regard yourself according to the standards and measurements of the flesh or of the world or that what the accuser would say, then you are going to have to call me a murderer, a whore or a liar.. which one would you call me.  I then told her to look me in the eyes and answer... Her confession was that she wouldn't regard another with the same measurements she would use to condemn herself and the conversation went forth from there...

Is Paul, the apostle or the killer of Christians?

Is Peter, the one upon whose confessions the church is built or is he the one who denied Christ?

Is the woman caught in adultery, stoned or is she forgiven?

There are HUGE principals in the Kingdom of God that declare value and worth into our lives beyond our wildest imaginations... The Christ story of redemption is truly mind boggling at how completely freeing it really is...

Binding my perspective to His all the more... calling forth with adamant determination that my heart would recognize my life after that which my Father declares over it and nothing less... and the journey of putting blinders upon my eyes to all else would be that which I would endeavor to head towards...

What a glorious truth that covers our lives and what an immense banner of love do we live under... that proclaims the perspective of Heaven over our lives...  May it govern all our thoughts.. May it permeate all our actions, may it form out the totality of our lives....

No longer are we captive to the dictates and proclamations of man or of the accuser, may our hearts learn the lessons and truths of Heaven so fully and may lies and false beliefs fall off of your hearts...

I think my favorite Kingdom reality these days is that He never leaves and He never forsakes, that He is our refuge and our ever present help in times of trouble... It has been so awe inspiring how through His word, through Creation, through dreams and His own expression, through all ways imaginable He hungers .. truly hungers to convey His heart to His sons and daughters... The MESSAGE that YOU ARE LOVED!!!  YOU ARE LOVED!!!!  Beyond your wildest imaginations you are loved.

May the vision of Heaven and the perspective of our Creator, Father, Lord be upon you so very thoroughly!!!

May the dictates f Heaven that are proclaimed over your existence replace the lies that have filled your hearts and your ears...

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