I think it has been my most favorite time of teaching. A Tuesday morning devotional set to explore the reality of how God interacts with His creation and His children through the senses. It was supposed to be one 1/2 hour a week. It was supposed to be a tutorial of sorts on how to see, hear, feel, smell and taste the Kingdom of God and that which the Lord does... It has been so very much more.
We started this journey together in January and we end this month. The seasons have been recorded and the first few are available here: http://stirthewater.com/beta/content/morning-devotional-seers
In this series we have walked together and explored what does it mean to see... how do we know what it is we are seeing? Hearing? Experiencing? What are the most important things that must under gird any exploration?
I thought I knew where it was I was going to be going with this.. I thought I knew what the emphasis was going to be on... I was wrong...
In a recent post I spoke about four questions I have learned to ask ... http://walkingthepassage.blogspot.com/2013/05/ill-spare-you-details.html
Who among us would want to be blind? Who among us would desire to be deaf? Who among us would want to have our senses so dulled as to not be able to discern touch, scent or taste? Yet we settle for not seeing and hearing and sensing our God ALL THE TIME! Read that last post.. In a moment where I should have stood confident and known what it was He was saying I doubted...
I just wrote a post concerning the concept of spending 10,000 hours on getting to know God. http://walkingthepassage.blogspot.com/2013/05/10000.html
As I have thought about it I have thought how even in these recent days something is happening with my sight.. with my faith.. It has been a few days where the ease at which I have been able to enter into seeing Him whether in the eyes of another, or the room I am sitting in, or in the situation I find myself within ... has flowed... has flowed more effortlessly than I have experienced in a long time.
Today I stood in a parking lot and became astounded at the reality of Heaven that was present. What do I mean? Am I just making grandiose comments so you will think I am spiritual? No.. don't think I am spiritual! Awaken to the fact that YOU ARE!!! I stood in the parking lot and beheld with wonder the reality of His presence. I could feel kindness in the air.. I could feel compassion saturating the environment. I could feel tenderness. I could feel strength. The air began to glow with a translucent golden hue and the sounds of the most beautiful singing floated about the light waves. NO! I am not on medication.. or drugs nor do I need to be....
If you stood in Boston would you be surrounded by the sights, sounds, feelings, tastes and smells.. ABSOLUTELY....
As ambassadors where we are there the Kingdom of God is bursting through.. Why wouldn't we see and hear it as it does so.....
My daughters see... My sons so as well.. we are all hearing individuals.... why would I want anything less for them... why would I not want them to see, hear, taste, touch, smell the world around them....
Listen to the free videos of the beginning of the devotional. Sound quality is what it is.. I am no tech genius... http://stirthewater.com/beta/content/morning-devotional-seers-0 The others will be posted soon but they are part of a membership for Stir the Water.. not advertising here.. not really.. just giving information...
But don't take my word for it.. A friend of mine just recently took the challenge I am about to lay at your feet and she is wonderfully amazed at how she is becoming more and more aware of the Lord and His kingdom that is forever surrounding her....
So here is the challenge...
For the next 21 days.. instead of brushing something off as "just you" or "a figment of your imagination" ask these four questions:
1) What am I seeing or hearing or sensing
2) Is it good or bad.. (talking source here.. is it Heavenly or not) I can write more about this in another post.
3) Why am I seeing or hearing or sensing this? What is my role?
4) How do I participate in this moment?
More on each of these questions this week... But start today.. Ask the Lord to open up your eyes, your ears, your senses of touch, taste, smell to Him... ask Him to show you Heaven, ask Him to show you Himself, Ask Him to propel you into the reality of being a seeing, hearing, sensing son or daughter of God....
Keep a journal and let us know how it is going for you... post on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stir-The-Water/24550022054
or put your comments here...
You are a beloved son or daughter of God with whom He enjoys being with more than you could fathom... embrace the reality that that is the TRUTH... and that He wants you to partake in relationship with Him in the fullest of ways...
Explore what being a seeing, hearing and sensing son or daughter is and enjoy.. relish in the journey.. in the experience.. in the life of being a girl or a boy after the heart of our God!
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