I think it is interesting.
I think it is interesting how similar we are...
At times I look at the demographics of who is reading my blog and I think who are these people. I see places around the globe and I hear the heart beat of God. It is for you! It is what I know lays upon His heart.. that you would see that out of triumph and out of ashes the most precious place we could ever arrive is that of son or daughter.. of that of beloved of God.
In writing I have learned how to rejoice with those who rejoice. I have learned to celebrate birth, family achievements, and just life in general. I have learned to celebrate those small moments that fill life out and I have learned to glean strength and joy from them. I have learned what it means to grieve as loss fills out the stories of our days. I have learned to weep with those who weep and to sit silently with those during the times that no words can even be uttered.
In waiting upon the muse of Heaven to lead me and guide me I have stepped into topics ranging from birth and parenting to miscarriage, to parenting young children to parenting those closing in on and achieving adulthood. I have held children as they have endured sickness and pain and I have celebrated children as they have achieved great victory. I have walked through life with children who don't fit in the box and those who far exceed the confines of any box that even exists.
I have talked about my own journey in walking through abuse and the resulting mental illness that filled out my life for so many years. I have felt led to share what it felt like to walk my days with the cruelty of mental anguish and what it meant to my life when healing arrived.
I have shared my family's journey of life in ministry and tried to process the challenges and heart aches and beauty of walking with the Lord and His people. I have tried to share as genuinely as I know what it means for me to love Jesus and our Father and the Spirit, and what it has meant for me to be loved by them, by Him. How thoroughly my life has been changed.
More recently I have all these pictures of fellow human beings in all sorts of places.. in fields, in office buildings; men, women and children... the notes of their song float up into the air and form an amazing chorus, an incredible symphony... and it is so abundantly upon my heart to pray and help each note that I can be heard.
That those I know and those I come across within these writings would grow in their understanding of belovedness. That truly has become my only passion. I know that I know that I know that if you discover how desirable you are... how lovely you are.. how treasured you are.. I know that if you hear enough stories... I know if you see similar pathways enough.. that you will be drawn down those paths of discovery of your own preciousness.. of your own worth and value.
It is intrinsic to you.. your worth.. your value.. you are a note in the song of creation that if you don't sing it it will NEVER be heard... I want to hear your note.. your note matters.... it matters to me.. but I know it matters to God... It matters to Him that you lift up your heads and open your mouths and sing forth the notes that soar into and out of your life...
You are a treasure.
You are a delight...
You were made to sing...
I so desire to hear your song...
I touch my daughter's fingers.. I run my finger along the flesh that makes up her hand... I think of the mothers and fathers out there that love their child, or their children. I think of how my heart leaps at the sight of my kids.. I think of how the hearts of others leap and rejoice over their children. I think of the people I see daily, whether in line at the supermarket.. at the pick up line at school.. I behold them and I think to myself that the Lord knit them together in their mother's womb and that He loves them. He loves them.. He loves you.. He loves me...
I think as I have journeyed these days of discovery I have learned as Solomon that for everything there is a season... I have learned to try to find the song in each season and allowed it to penetrate the songs of my life and adjust the melodies already being sung. Journeying towards to the place where love is matured within me and above all things I am known for being a person who is captivated by love and desires to be a vessel of His love. There is nothing greater than such a place ... there is nothing more I wish to achieve. To love Him and His people and to allow myself to be loved by Him and those that surround my life.
Love is the discovery...love is the reason... love sums it all up... it is the force that propels me towards and within each day..
Is what I am doing, believing, speaking, writing encapsulating love and if not why and if not how can it.... that is the focus of my days these days.. it will be the focus of my days in all the days to come...
Bless you .. may your life be filled with the passion of our Father .. of the Lord of lords and of the King of kings.. May the love and affection and adoration of your creator fill out your life ...
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