This one posting has kept coming back to me. The words within it circle around and around in my heart, as do the pictures of women and girls from across the globe.
How I have longed to come back here! How I have longed to write more and more upon this topic! How I have longed and prayed that all those that are female would feel beloved. How I have longed and prayed that all those that are female would know that they are cherished and hold incredibly high value. How I have longed and prayed that any word contrary to words of honor and declarations of worth would fall off your lives. How I have longed that you and your daughters would know the empowerment of Heaven, the tender affections of a God who beyond any scope of human understanding epitomizes the reality of what true fatherhood is all about!
You ... you, sweet and strong and powerful daughter... you, are beautiful! You are beautiful not because you fall within cultural confines of what beauty means, You are beautiful because your Creator declares that truth over you! If He declares that over you what lesser creature has the right to say anything contrary?
I think of the children... of the girls of foreign lands.. I think upon the women of distant places.. my sisters, my friends.. Whether living within card board boxes or the greatest of palaces you are loved, you are treasured.. from the moment that it was declared, "its a girl," the greatest of blessings was released upon the earth. YOU! You are that blessing. You are that delight... You are that joy...
There is dignity in being a girl... there is wonderment in being a daughter... before anything was ever said or done there were songs of deep delight being sung over your very essence. There are eyes that behold your beauty. There is a heart that has counted ever hair upon your head. There is a tenderness within your Creator for you... His delight, His master piece, His beloved....
You have a place standing boldly and confidently before your Father's throne of grace and there is nothing that should hinder you from such a placement. There is no condemnation, there is no lack... there is no reality that actually exists that gets to alter the fact that you, as a girl, are beyond fabulous... that you as a girl, are a beloved daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords....
You were purposed for such a time as this to know your belovedness... You are purposed for such a time as this to know the dignity of being a girl and the wonder and delight of being a daughter....
You are beautiful.. You are loved... You are the greatest treasure whose worth is far above rubies and whose existence is without spot or blemish.. That is who you are!!! You are His... His daughter.. His girl... And His banner over you is love... His declaration over you is Precious and beloved one...
I pray for you courage... Know that you are thought about.. Know that you are held in the highest esteem... yes, this is for you... it is for you... My thoughts go forth upon you and I am reminded how His thoughts could never be numbered .. His thoughts concerning you are beyond every single particle of sand upon the seashores... His thoughts concerning you are beyond anything we could comprehend or even dare to imagine... You are courageous... You are bearing forth His image... You are His daughter.. made in His likeness... strength and grace be imparted to you .. this day and always... Fellow daughter.. delightful sister.. One day we will meet and until then you are held within my heart... But even more important you are held within His...
We dance together within the palm of His hand and nothing can pluck us from the reality of that place...
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