Friday, March 16, 2012

So here we go... liars and manipulators and those that love them or live with them.. here is a story for you..... Part 1

This season has been truly interesting.... a season that has held within its days moments where I have shared portions of my life that either no one before had ever heard or only a small handful.... a season that within its moments held for us after seventeen years of parenting a new and frightening road.... a season that married the two and in only ways that our Lord can do and  has brought me forward and  changed and strengthened me  even though feeling so very tired and weak I am amazed...

There have been so many obstacles … so many deep breaths... so many not so deep breaths and then realizing that I must remind myself to breathe … But amidst all that has gone on I have at times through presenting emotions remembered other times....

He spoke so softly and gently but clearly... “it is time ..” and I knew what it was that He was saying...
I realize that there are portions of my story that help others... help those struggling and help those that love them... and there are places while I am willing to go anywhere that I am not as excited to travel... but I have seen recently how all those places are just mines waiting for the person that needs those nuggets and I am willing for the Lord to extract....

Recently in Massachusetts I shared some stories that only my husband and a few close friends were aware of ….. I write these things realizing that there are those of you who will not understand how I could ever have done such things... I can appreciate that and I am grateful that your mind and life can not understand.... I am not being sarcastic... not one bit... I am grateful... but then these stories are not for you.... for those of you that have touched desperate places... mental illness.... depression.. abuse... or walked alongside those that have these next stories are for you...... and my prayer is that you would find comfort... we are called to comfort those with the comfort we ourselves have received and I am seeing that emerge all the more in this season...

So a bit of a back story for those of you that are new to this blog … there are some initial posts that spend more time on this portion of my life.... but suffice it to say there was abuse... one result was that I grew up a very talented liar.. manipulator... lacking a conscience... not feeling remorse... how I lived was in survival mode... day by day .. sometimes minute by minute.. sometimes barely …

Having grown up and gotten saved I walked with the Lord and yet coping mechanisms and ways of living during stress were undeveloped... grateful to know God I leaned on working for Him and being busy as a new escape... getting importance and self worth through all that I could do... not really focusing on how much practical life skills still just didn't exist....

So here we go... liars and manipulators and those that love them or live with them.. here is a story for you..... and have hope this once was really me... and the truth that has come forth truly has set me free.... the details here are for you....

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