Friday, March 16, 2012

So here we go... liars and manipulators and those that love them or live with them.. here is a story for you.. Part 4

This is our God....

I was mentally ill.. I was truly broken.. I was a pile of dry bones... I was a liar... I was a manipulator... I was slave to need and desperation.... I hurt people and didn't care.... or if I cared I didn't care enough to not act out.... I was lost... I was in need... But Christ..... He saw the dry bones and while there were those that would have said “NO! These dry bones can not live again...” He knows better.......

An exceedingly vast army...... that is the end of that story of dried bones..... that is the end of your story... for He who begins good works completes them... and He who plans you future for the good and not for harm is strong and all sufficient.....

To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.. to Him who overcame so that I could overcome... blessings and glory and honor... To a husband who could hold onto a vision of who I was in our Lord as His daughter... To friends who walked alongside on different parts of the journey.... to those that walk alongside me now and push me forward … I am forever … Forever grateful...

I was very lost but I was always a daughter of a King who runs to His own and makes the way home.... “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord... plans to prosper you and not to harm you... plans to give you hope and a future...” Jeremiah...

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