Sunday, June 12, 2011

I have heard Your roar... and I have laid against Your sweet wool

I guess I have felt it coming all day... I knew at one moment that the transition was happening... where my focus and faculties were seeing both places... there was here and there was there.. and I knew both places and I walked around for awhile maneuvering my way through ....

then I sat down...

I sat down and as I did I was no longer really sitting upon a chair in my house looking at a screen.... I was sitting with You and Your hand engulfed mine .... I could barely breathe in... Your goodness was so strong... so permeating every single cell of mine so that everyone felt so very alive...

tears just fell sweetly forth from my eyes... and I couldn't even look up at You... Your great goodness so saturating every part of me and I just sat there so very full ... so very complete ... and then I just needed to see You... and I lifted up my chin and there .. there was Your most beautiful face... staring at me... and as if this moment could have become anything more I was full of shock and awe...

as I looked into Your face.. and saw that You had been waiting.. just waiting ... just hungering for me to look up so that You could look into my face and see me... and those same sweet tears were in Your eyes...

How ? How does the Creator of all things care so very deeply and intimately for just one? But You do... You really really do... and I am forever and forever in awe of Your majesty.. that One like Yourself could feel so deeply and so passionately about those You created... about me....

And then I ache.. I ache for those who don't know this love... as Jesus looked upon Jerusalem and hungered for them... so I hunger that those that are hurting and lonely and afraid and outcast and distraught could know Your gentle kindnesses and Your most fervent love..

I was nothing... I was less than nothing.. I was a throw away.. I was ashes... I was bones... and You .. You are my everything .. and You pronounced life over me.. and love into me and called me beautiful and put me on my feet to become Your warrior daughter...

You spoke into bones and brought forth life... and you took a reed that was snapped with only one thread holding on and healed the bruises... and the flame of life that flickered so often You roared over so that it would not be snuffed out by my own hands or by the hands of others....

I have heard Your roar... and I have laid against Your sweet wool .... I have seen the beginning with You when the stars danced and spun and heard You sing... and one day I will stand at the end of it all with You... and when we dance upon our golden streets ... You.. the glorious One and Me .. and Us.. the object of all Your affections... there will be no more tears... and there will be no more sorrow and it will be as You have always intentioned ... You and me..... nothing between.. no separations... perfect union... perfect unity...

I walk here and You walk there and we walk together always... I am the branch attached to You ... always attached.. never severed... and You .. You... glorious.. perfect.. beautiful You... Your affections arrest me... and I am so in awe of Your love....

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