Monday, January 3, 2011

A Steel Plate in The Skies..... Versus The Love of God... No Match ... No Match

I had already seen it unroll... It was already before me... above me.. in place ... when I felt the Father's presence gently touch my skin and as if there was a hand to be placed upon my shoulder it was there....

What do you see?

A hard solid piece of steel being stretched across the heavens and being placed between You and I. Between You and the Earth......

As another question came forth I sat there and looked at it for I knew instinctively what it was there for and even with that knowing the question came...

What does it mean?

I understood what He was wanting me to speak... I understood where He was leading me and I began to answer.. "I won't feel You. I won't be able to touch You. I won't be able to tangibly feel the might of Your presence. The softness of Your whisper across my cheek won't be upon me. I won't see that glorious gaze of Yours..... That there are times coming that You will remove Your presence.... "

The words weren't out of my mouth when standing in front of me looking at me straight within my eyes He asked ...

What do you know ?

And without hesitation my answer tumbled out of my mouth..."I know Your goodness.... to the core of all I am ... I know Your love..... I know Your strength and I know Your might and I trust Your nature that You have revealed throughout the ages.... I know that though Your presence be removed You stay the same..... I know that though You might not speak it directly to me this day.. tomorrow... next week... a month... or even longer I know You love me... And I will be love sick for you and long for the day that once again You speak but I will not doubt Your affections... I know that in times to come things will happen in my life and in the lives of those I love... I know that in the times to come things will happen upon the Earth that might cause a multitude to wonder who You are as well as question Your goodness....

I know that though the Earth may tremble and a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand Your goodness will reign for all eternity.... I know that I know that I know Your love and that You never change... You are not a man that You should lie and I will rest in that knowledge though that steel plate reside in the Heavens... even if the Heavens are shut up I will not succumb to doubt (oh please God... let this not be like Peter's declaration... please give the grace to stand... please let me be more like those who followed You to the cross and stood there at Your feet) because You have loved me so very well... Your love has revolutionized my life... and You have branded me with it and forever left me changed.............."

Then as if we stood side by side looking up at that gigantic steel plate in the sky He asked what I thought was His last question.....

Why do I do this?

He had already supplied the answer as He asked the question but yet wanted for me to utter the words back to Him......

You do this to bring Your assurance and to show my heart that it really does know what it knows... that Your love isn't about a momentary experience or feeling or sensation .... Your love is that which has stood solid for all eternity and will continue to do so... Your goodness goes before You and even when it comes in judgment and discipline it is because of Your goodness and nothing less.....

You have wooed me in this season... You have wooed me to know that through whatever comes Your love stands impenetrable... that nothing not even a steel plate placed in the atmosphere above me would ever separate me from Your love..... that there is actually nothing that exists that would or could ever separate me from Your love.... I know this... I know this as if my life depended on it...

What else am I showing You? Why have I showed you this plate?

To know that there are times coming when it be as though the Heavens were sealed with a steal grate..... but to take these times and learn what it means to abide in You... to not look towards the experience of You as the calibration of our relationship but to acknowledge that the truth of our love affair has it's foundations in something so much more solid........

That there is a time and a season to walk into where the grace to be washed by Your love and changed by Your passions is here ... a season where there is an opening to know You and to be known by You and to relish and be changed by Your love....

You are pouring out Your love as liken to Niagara Falls and I am to be washed in that powerful, awesome love... rendered washed ... that the waters of Your love would so fashion me that all else would be washed away...................... Your love is teaching me to stand... having done all I am empowered to stand through Your outpouring of Your magnificent, phenomenal passions for me..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this! Thank you Mims. God gives us adventure far beyond an average walk. His love in us makes us fearless. Your blog sums up the call of His adventure. I am personally encouraged to run forward through fear because He made us all like Superman.