I was doing some research this evening and I stumbled upon something that I thought was truly interesting... The word, niche, which can be described as a situation or activity specially suited to a person's interests, abilities, or nature is originally derived from the old french word, nichier. Now it is that word that peeked my interest... for nichier means to nest....
The second I saw that not just one light bulb went on but dozens... dozens and I couldn't write enough notes and single words to capture all I was thinking so I wouldn't lose one thought.. not one thought... Something in that meaning hit my spirit and lights went off... They went off in regards to keys for people... keys that could lead people into a deeper understanding of their beauty and value to Father... and I trembled at the thought of it …
Even now I can feel the truth of these realizations flowing through my being.... and yet wonder can I convey this.. can I write it down.. can I find the words that would express that which I feel so deeply....
Well.. I don't know but I am certainly going to try....
It wasn't so much the habitation of baby birds that caught my being into this place but rather that which an expectant mother does as she is closing in on the time her baby is to come into the world... The desire to have everything perfect.. to have everything ready... to be prepared for the arrival of the new life …...
So the word niche coming forth from a word that would mean “nest”.... well, it caught into me the Jeremiah passages... “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord! “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.. Plans to give you a hope and a future...” The reality of that before the foundations of the earth He knew us and He has loved us with an ever lasting love....
He “nested!” He planned and He dreamed and He loved... before we were even yet created He was creating for us a place... a place where we could be with Him and always enjoy fellowship with Him...
There are activities... capacities that we are called to walk in that He has made the preparation for... He has carved out the niche.. He has “nested”.. ours is to do by believing and trusting in that beautiful divine nature of unfathomable love.... His passion for us knows no end... His desire for us was the very joy that was set before Him... You are that joy as am I!
Your life is specifically suited for you to live.... He knew that which would have to be overcome and He planted within each of us the capacity to overcome.... His nature and character are what we can most certainly rest upon and in that nature and character the trustworthiness of His love is more solid then anything we could ever imagine...
Just picture... picture the soon to be mother... carrying within her the joy and the delight that she has anticipated and waited for .. and even if that isn't your reality... picture it.. go ahead and dream it... imagine it..... that mother... longing for everything to be made right... that mother desiring for everything to be in order.... that mother who is human and who can fall into the category of when Christ spoke that those of us who are human (or evil) desire to give good gifts how much more does our Father who is in heaven desire these things....
For I know the plans I have for you... for me... He declares it.. and He is not a man that He should lie... I don't know something clicked as I read about “niches” tonight... something so deep inside me... some switch that got turned on.... He is for us!!! He is so for us!!! And it is written THAT IF HE IS FOR US WHO THEN CAN BE AGAINST US!!!!
He has anchored me to the truth of His love... nothing can separate me from that... nothing... “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which in Christ Jesus our Lord....” Romans 8:38-39
Something in that little word turned a switch on and the Love of Christ and confidence that flows forth from that love saturated my very being... Oh to Him be the glory forever and ever...... Our Kingdom... the reality of His life... the reality of what our life is..... How amazing.. How stunning.. How brilliant... what joy completed at the thought of such a love.... How powerful... How astonishing... How phenomenal.. What power... The love of God that rose Christ from the dead living and pulsating through us.. His sons and His daughters.... What a testimony of life.... What a delight!!!
1 comment:
He “nested!” He planned and He dreamed and He loved... before we were even yet created He was creating for us a place... a place where we could be with Him and always enjoy fellowship with Him...
I love this! You have captured it so beautifully my friend. So very and truly beautifully!
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