I sit and I pause.... the room is darkened and I sit with laptop on lap and fingers on keys...
Jesus has so changed the course of my life...
He saw me... Saw me and did not see a pile of dry bones.. but He saw the one who would walk again...
I want to share that there are those who in regarding me in the flesh could have spoken and did speak words that were full of truth but not sight.... words full of obvious declarations of lack.
I no longer desire to regard myself or others in the flesh... we are given that mandate.. to not prefer... not to look at wealth or poverty.. not to look at position or lack of it... it is put upon us to love...
As I was regarded in the flesh so did I regard in the flesh.... and in so doing measured myself against standards that the world would applaud... I'm prettier than her but she is prettier than me... I am more successful than him but he is more successful than me... I am legitimate because I have this position.. I am important because of who I know, where I live, what I do, what I wear, what I drive... and the list could go on and on... and on and on and it does...
But redemption song bursts forth and sings that He having been in the very likeness God did not consider equality something to be grasped ... But how often do we grasp at something.. we grasp at a relationship or a promotion... thinking if I just get this than I will be ok.. If I just am friends with so and so then I will feel important...
I love the part in the movie, The Help, where the little girl is told; "You are smart, you are beautiful, you are important." Our Heavenly Father is saying over us... that we are smart... that we are beautiful.. that we are important...
Not because of anything other than that which He already did... He fashioned and formed us and He called us by name... He redeemed and delivered us and called us to new life... He says that we are altogether beautiful and that there is no spot or blemish upon us...
There is nothing to grasp towards.... but Him and in laying a hold of Him we are healed... we are healed as we push through the craziness of what the world would want to dictate and we push through the crowds of voices that would tell us otherwise and we lay a hold of His garment... we are healed... and we are changed...
No seven ways effective people carry on their lives could have set the man with the legion within him to a right mind... no perfected 5 year plan could have brought the walls of Jericho down or feed over 5000 people with fish and loaves... My eyes look to the hills for forth from there my help comes from...
the very things we grasp towards are the very things that will hinder... the very things that we think "if only" will be the soil of disappointment... I love Paul's declaration of not considering all his man given titles and accolades to be of any worth .. I love the story by Max Lucado, "You are Special." Where Eli (the wood carver representing our Lord) says in regards to the wemmick who has no stars and dots (you don't know what a wemmick is.. oh my you must read Lucado's book) "She has decided that what I think of her is more important than what they think of her... the stickers only stick if you let them..."
I see more and more stickers falling off.. off me.. off my children.. off those I love... let the floor of creation be cluttered with the stars and dots of men as we walk as sons and daughters.....
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