Thursday, May 22, 2014

Instead of Ragged... Ravished!!! When the likes of Kierkegaard and Chardin are ringing in your ears

Tick Tock.. Tick Tock.. The passing .. the passing.. the passing of the clock...

Tick.. tick.. tickticktickticktickticktick............. over and over and over again...

Running ragged...

I fell prey to the timing and pace of the world...
My eyes beheld pretty idols of large crowds and popularity and in so doing my heart lost substance...
Quickly build this house or that building..  Short cuts because time and growth is of the essence... oh please hear the large sigh in that exhale....

But then..........................................................................................

But then.....


My kingdom is not of this earth nor is my citizenship, I originate from another place!  A place of joy and timelessness... A place of freedom and delight!  My ambassadorship upon the earth flows forth from His rivers of delight as they stream from Heaven to earth...  The pace of Heaven.. The grand Selah...  Instead of ragged ravished!!!!

To will the ONE thing....  To embrace the slow work of God!!!

How counter cultural.. But revolution usually is.....................................

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