I knew... I knew as I stood before the entrance, to the prayer labyrinth that is part of the Charlotte Spirituality Center, that my life was about to change. I had never participated in one before. I had no idea of what to expect. Yet as I stood there, at this point of entry, I paused.. and I paused... and I waited... because I just knew deep within me that something deep was about to happen... something fundamental was going to erupt in the change of walking these paths and praying and seeking God.
At this point of entry.. I prayed and I laid down 21 years of doing ministry the way I had known how to work for the Lord. Something was changing.. something is changing and it is still more a preverbal groaning then a clear, concise, articulation of heart and mind and purpose.. Just even looking at these pictures and remembering those moments, brings a racing of heart.. a knowing of change... an answering to prayers that I yet understand.. But I can't do the work of the ministry the way I have and I don't fully know what is coming.. I have briefly touched it.. I have heard it's whisper in the wind, I have sensed it's birthing cries but I have yet to grasp it yet... I have yet to hold it in my arms, I have yet to look at it straight on and breathe out.. "Oh, this.. Oh sweet Lord.. YES... this is what I have longed to behold..." Him.. His people.. His heart beat.. Loving one another.. simple... and profound.. but not business.... Delicate and delightful but strong and mighty.. It isn't a new movement.. It is a very old one.. A very old one finding voice again... I must hear it's song.. I must learn it's melodies... I must step fully upon the path and continue to make my way towards the center of His heart...
Around and around and around and around... trusting.. Very Hinds Feet on High Places.. Some times so close to center and then to be brought back out to the edge... Oh BUT to trust.. I learned so much upon this journey.. So much and yet to bring it to expression is still so intimate that I keep most of the journey close to my heart still... What an hour spent upon these stones.. what transformation.. What hunger and repentance and searching and longing and trust and fear and faith was spurred as I walked these seemingly simple lines but anything but....
The path back into the world.. I arrived there from another way.. One I am not ready to write about yet... and yet there it was and I rushed towards it... For after the journey I was ready.. I was ready.. He awoke trust in new levels, delight and hope in new places... And as my feet went from stone to wood to grass I was in shock.. I was in awe... I was surrounded by deep delight and trust...

It will take me some time but I will continue to write and touch these places that this journey birthed.. killed and resurrected... Oh but to PRAISE our God.....
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