Monday, March 25, 2013

Things I have run to and why I am stopping... Number 1: Others

Things I have run to and why I am stopping.....

I have run to men.. I have run to the favor and approval of man... I have wanted the acceptance of others, and I have walked in fear....

This morning as I was driving Gideon to the chiropractor, I got lost in my thoughts... praying for leaders that are in my life... praying for people that were upon my heart... seeking God for His heart upon so very many matters.

I began to think about the journey of His people, of His leaders... I was seeing them as men and women, and I was seeing people pulling upon their robes instead of the robe of Christ. I was feeling the need for grace, for myself, for my friends.. for us all.

I've walked both places pulling on and being pulled on...

What is it within me that hungers for man to come and fill in places that God could truly satisfy? That has me trusting more in the affirmation of the words of men then those of God? And is that what has truly happened? That had me trusting more in the favor of men then that of God.

I have entered into the mentality of the Israelites, being afraid of what I saw upon the mountain of the Lord, I was satisfied for leaders to go in and bring out for me their digested experiences. After all, who truly, when faced with the deep darkness of God wants to go in there, encountering God can be terrifying, ... except having emerged from such places I now know that there is no better place to be and no human being that could ever speak the words that satisfy as fully as those words that flow forth from the heart of God.

He longed to be their King, he longed that the people would come under His direct authority and yet they longed for a king like the other nations. I know what that feels like... I wanted a man to tell me what to do, what I could do, what I couldn't... It felt safer that way...

I got to this one intersection and I saw clouds form into the shape of a heart that surrounded the sun, it was the perfect shape of a valentine's day heart. In all honesty I couldn't believe what I was seeing... It seemed too cliché... was I really seeing a heart in the clouds.. was this just a moment like a child making shapes out of the clouds in the skies.... I quickly got my thinking set straight as Father made somethings very clear to me.

I could feel that He was expressing His heart for His people, I could see where it was that He was pointing to my own journey, while I have written about things I have run away from and why I am stopping I now knew He was shifting it up a bit, and now it was things I had run towards and why I needed to stop.

I had trusted in the authority and position men could give me, I looked forward to it and I enjoyed responsibilities that were given. They made me feel important. They made me feel like I was being given opportunities to use the gifts of God that were upon my life and it made me glad to be used in the Kingdom.

In those places my identity got stuck into the place of gifting not daughter. My confidence in my earthly placement. Problem with that is that place is a place of building upon the sand.. upon places that shift and change and are not firm.

Those things the Lord warned the Israelites that would happen if they got the king they wanted.. they still chose the king... I have too....

The song, Be Magnified, an old Vineyard song has been upon my heart these days. I've made the Lord too small in my eyes.. I've leaned on my own understanding... In all my ways I have acknowledged the leadership of others and allowed them to direct my path... But I have seen where I went wrong and entered into a long season of repentance and rest..

I entered into the deep darkness of the Lord and was wooed into the wilderness and have heard the tender whisperings of the Lover of my soul and emerged leaning... acknowledging Him and seeing that the paths He directs while not as predictable are so much greater....

Verses that just keep swirling into and through my heart are when the people exclaimed concerning Jesus that He was not like their scribes that He walked as one who had authority. Places where it was because Jesus knowing His position as son and acknowledging that He could do nothing but that which the Father was doing... How many times have I stepped into places of just doing something because it was a good idea or because I could versus that which the Father was doing...

The difference between good and life is wider than the Grand Canyon.

There are places I don't have the answers and there are theologians out there that understand these biblical matters far better than I do... What I do know is the difference in my heart, in my life... in the ministry that flows forth through me, my motivations.. my assurances, my confidence these days is so very different.

I love my God and I know I am loved by Him... I know when I need the body of Christ and I know when I need to lean all the more upon Christ, Himself. There are no rules about this place.. this place is of leaning into Him and trust...

The frailty and beauty of humanity as it is displayed in grace and brokenness is that we will sadly always disappoint in some place or another.. the majesty of our God is that in His perfect love all fear is cast away and truest hope never disappoints. He is our God.. ever grateful for His leadership

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