Saturday, March 16, 2013

Let it rain.....May He reign

I feel the rains of your love

I feel the winds of your spirit

And now the heart beat of Heaven let us hear

Let it rain.....

I woke up to this song today...

Let it rain, Lord.

Let your reign, precious Lord fill the Earth...

There is nothing upon the face of the earth that surpasses His rain or His reign....  

The winds of His spirit, may they blow me ever closer to Him and may they blow all that isn't of Him far far away from me.

John leaned and heard Christ's beating heart through the fabric, through the material of the clothing that Jesus wore.  Mary held that precious baby to her own person and could feel His flesh, His heart, His soft baby whispers.  

The verses that fill my heart and mind these days flow forth from John 10:28-29

..and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand

This verse has entered into me and created within my being a strength.. a confidence.. a wonderment and a joy.  It places me, it declares life over me and into  me in the most permanent eternal ways.

This world will hold within the confines of each day more trials and sorrows and sufferings for each of us,  the pace of which causes me to lose my gaze upon the horizon, upon where it is that I am going.

These truths say even in those moments, especially in those moments... I can rest assured.

My Father who is greater than all has me covered and held and alive.

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