Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Seer's Coming of Age.. A different perspective moving away from focusing on the gift and grasping more fully the purposes of Heaven! Part 2

Why train up Seers, Dreamers, Revelatory people? Why spend the time living off of Hebrews 5 where it speaks of; But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. Why practice? Why lead people into the understanding that the Kingdom of God is at hand and that they can see and hear and partake and participate in that which is their birth right even as they walk the face of the earth in their life time?

What benefit is there to being a seer? What benefits are there to seeing in the natural would be the same answer.

These days and this season have served me so phenomenally I am only more in love with God and becoming more full of His affections. And I have been shown what it means to walk as Jesus did and do that which He saw Father doing... It wasn't just the healing and the feeding of multitudes. It was the day in and day out way He lived His life.. Sensing and knowing what was on Father's heart. To let the little children come to Him and not rebuke them. To find Zacheus in the tree and to speak to that tax collector and go to his house.

What does that look like today? I have had two of the most profound “seer” type experiences in the last week of my life and it had nothing to do with Heavenly creatures or places or prophetic words. Here are the stories to which I refer... May we all mature in our capacity to have hearts that comprehend and eyes that see and ears that hear... and may we all step more further into the realm of where Heaven touches earth and tenderly and dramatically makes significant differences....

As I stepped back out into the parking lot I saw her trying to wave down Jim.  Had he left something behind was the thought that filled my head.  He had finished filling up the car and was headed to park by the store so I could get in.

She wasn't persistent but something about her caught my heart... My attention.  I called out to her and asked if everything was alright.  I walked towards her and she spoke up that she wasn't asking for money.  She just needed help.

She was such a beautiful person but the look upon her face and her demeanor broke my heart.   I wondered about what life had handed her in this season and we started to talk.

On the other side of the median I noticed another woman sitting in her car watching the interaction that was transpiring between me and another human being.

The three of us.. Complete strangers brought together in one moment.   Later I thought about these moments and wondered about all the choices that had presented themselves in those moments.

I had noticed her but what if I looked away and just asked Jim if he had forgotten something.  I had noticed her but what if as she started to walk away I had just let her. My heart had been drawn to her .. my eyes had seen her.. my very being pulled towards her to engage and not dismiss... but in a brief second I could have shaken it all off and gone about my day or I could respond to the wooings of the heart beat of Father.

I wondered about the other woman too... Did she think I was a some poor creature that got suckered into some kind of ploy. But in this place there was no ploy... Just a woman in need of being seen. A huge part of having eyes that see is to see how in the natural physical world the Kingdom of Heaven wants to break in and be that one that steps in and becomes ever more aware of how specifically and intrinsically we are known by Creator.

Second story.... A facebook post caught my heart.. my attention.. a friend in need... A morning that had plans and a packed to do list was about to be rearranged because the eyes of our God were upon His daughter and she was trusting in Him.... A friend had hit a wall and wasn't sure how she was going to manage the circumstances of her morning and instead of allowing fear to come upon her heart about what she was going to do she turned and worshiped.

I saw her post... I saw it and immediately knew.. I knew His heart .. I could see what He wanted and what He was doing... but I could have made any choice... I could have ignored the impression and thought more about my day and what my morning entailed and not granted access to the wooings of Holy Spirit.

These two moments... these two moments.. show to me the profound nature of the Seer and the need to move away from the attitude of the disciples when having returned to Jesus they were enthralled with the idea that even the demons submitted to them in His name and He turned their attentions back to the Book of Life.. the essence of life and living... to be with Him and to be loved by Him and to love others as He would...

Of course we are going to see.. of course we are going to know.. He is an amazing Father and He shares and speaks forth His heart in more ways then we could ever comprehend. It isn't that He speaks and opens our eyes that is amazing.. He is amazing... we are amazing... The family of Heaven walking upon Earth so that the ways of Heaven get to be made known... That is what is amazing.. the life giving essence of our Heavenly home, the place from which our citizenship is birthed forth from.... We pray it all the time.. Your Kingdom come.. Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven... we are a HUGE part of it coming......

In a world filled with so much fear, where the enemies seem so large and the realities sometimes so harsh.. ….. The maturing seer ,who is full of the understanding that they are a son or a daughter of God and whose heart isn't about the gifting but about the Kingdom and the people that need it's reality, is needed to shine a light so that all can see. As Elisha prayed for his servant's eyes to be made open, Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the LORD opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. “ So do the eyes of those that surround us need to be made open to the reality of the affection and passions of God and they are the recipient of those affections.

Once again that the blind would see and the deaf would hear and the cripple will walk but not just in the physical realities within the spirit as well... that the people of God who are crippled in their faith and blind in their eyes and deaf in the hearing would be made whole and be full of life and celebration of who it is that they are and the reality of what truly surrounds them on a daily basis.

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