Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blessed are the hungry...... For they will be made full

This morning has been full of wonder and beauty.....  and my friends I need to express to you to allow hunger to exist in your life... allow hunger to saturate all that is within you.....  Watch and see that which you are hungry for and place it before Father.....

So many principles coursing through my mind right now fingers can't keep up nor can heart or mind... Ramblings this post may be but I will ramble away...

Hunger..... I have allowed hunger to reside within me but then gotten tired of being hungry... I have allowed hunger to reside within me but then gotten desperate... I have allowed hunger to reside within me but then gotten tired of waiting and turned to fill that hunger on my own ....

But blessed are the hungry for they will be satisfied......  hhhhmmmmm
Not just hungry for anything but for righteousness.....  Those that hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied....  You can hunger and thirst all day long for other things but satisfaction will be eluded..... But for righteousness it comes... satisfaction comes..

In the journey of my days I have known hunger...  emotional.. physical... I have known hunger....  The pain of it in each category... How it leaves you wanting...

Now as I live  I am watching as Psalm 34:10 comes to life....  The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. – Psalm 34:10

Those who hunger will be full... those who seek will not lack....

It has been hard for me at times to set my eyes solely upon Father... having at times set them on a position .. or a relationship.. it feels as if lack was all around... but once eyes were upon Him the reality of His ways so saturated my being that my confession not in faith but in the reality of His love can be I lack no good thing....

I lack no good thing... I am made full....

I learned to allow hunger to have its way within me and I found a fullness I never even dreamed possible... resist the urge to fill the hunger  and watch as He fills it and  live in awe..

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Mmm!!! I've never really related hungry/full with the fullness of God until now!! I like your blog site (not sure how I clicked on it:-))