Do you ever do that? Just ignore where you are and what you are feeling and pretend that it isn't what you are seeing or sensing? When I do step into a place of being willing to admit that which is going on around me He offers up confirmation that what it is is actually what I am sensing but every time that leap seems to linger....
Like the time I saw a huge buddha sitting on top of a house we were staying at come to find out that there was a buddhist who had lived there at that home...but I want to ignore those things... or I did anyway...
Last night was different.. I couldn't pin point where the emotion was coming from and I felt unsettled. So I laid there... Even as I write this the emotions of the evening seem too familiar... and even now He appears with His gentle reminders of who He is and where it is that my eyes should be focused... and in His gentle reminder I am made different.. It truly is with one look at His gaze I am brought back and fear dissipates and I can feel courage land in my heart...
That is what transpired last night....I laid there and all of a sudden I felt as if my whole back had this beautiful scripted tattoo upon it...and then I felt His hand upon my back and His declaration that I was His... "Do you know that you are mine?" With the words came the feeling of a deep and penetrating warmth and the flow of a thick warm golden substance was upon my person...
"You are mine."
"I've got you."
That was the declaration of the Lord upon and over and around me... and in that transaction was birthed a confidence that believed and knew that I belong to Him.. Kinsman Redeemer.. Magnificent Savior... Almighty God... In those moments a realization of my truest worth to Him and His amazing care of me .. A trust I hadn't felt before landed in my heart ... a trust of Him.. a trust of who He has made me to be... something beautiful happened last night ..
I bear His markings in the spirit.. I am His daughter... think about those four words... "I" "am" "His" "daughter"...
I know more in these moments who it is that I belong to...Who it is that I am... and What that means... The truth of those four little words hold a weight of meaning.... that I am His and He is for me.. If God is for me who can be against me... That being His and standing in that relationship is the most magnificent thought... the most amazing reality...
I know more in these moments who it is that I belong to...Who it is that I am... and What that means... The truth of those four little words hold a weight of meaning.... that I am His and He is for me.. If God is for me who can be against me... That being His and standing in that relationship is the most magnificent thought... the most amazing reality...
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