Monday, November 1, 2010

good... and evil... and life......

Passion and transparency push me forward and while I have been struggling in my mind about this blog post it has certainly drawn me into the heart of the Father and I have learned new things… which is always a very good thing….. ok so I’ll stop stalling… and just jump right in ..

Ok… jumping in not always as easy as I think….. deep breath… close eyes…. Music Mims… find the music…. Fingers to keyboard … and enter

I think what is making this hard and what has made this hard for the past few days is that there are things that I would rather never speak of and things I would rather never dwell on …. But I guess to get me and where I come from there are things that are upon the Father’s heart that I share…… so with caution and wisdom I walk into this…. Because I feel His longing to do so….

It is the Father’s most marvelous intention that all we were to ever know was His passion for us … His incredible love for us… Even the knowledge of what is good wasn’t supposed to be ours… and certainly we weren’t created for evil…. But the knowledge of both good and evil entered into this creation and have made their way into our lives……

The knowledge of good and evil while supposedly miles apart did come forth from the same tree…. They find their origin within the same roots and upon the same branches… I am not a theologian by any means but I have been hearing the Father’s heart upon these issues and feeling His push to share… please know that this does not come easy for me to write or share but I am interested in the heart of the one who loves me so well and leads me down paths like this one… I know I will learn from Him and I know that I must trust Him….. so I journey down this road and am willing to hear what I feel His heart has to say….

There is a life upon this earth that is possible for all to walk in…. the heart of our Creator beacons us to enter into it…… life… focus…. Him…. Life … abundant life…..

I have been given so much grace into my life and been empowered to overcome so much that is just plainly dark and incredibly evil…. I’m only so intensely glad that I don’t walk within those shadows anymore but because of them when the Father makes a correlation as He has been doing within my heart these days I stagger to find out that which He is saying …….

I feel Him whispering about the trees that were in the garden… I hear His longing for Life… for Life to be what His children walk in and I am trying to ascertain the depths of what He wants me to know…. I get startled for when He speaks to me of evil and the depravity of man and how there is a similarity in the spirit to that and that which we would call good… I honestly get shaken.. I do… Evil for me is not some blanket concept or some vague notion….. There are very clear pictures in my head….

So when the Father leads my thoughts to places that those things that are good… that we would call good steal from me in no different way then things that are evil… I am struck and stunned and shaken……..

I know He knows me… better than I know myself and so I know that He wouldn’t haphazardly make that correlation if He didn’t want me to understand that which He was saying and the importance of it…… good brings forth death just as does evil....

I get when the Father says I want to woo you now away from the good and into life…… are things that are good the same as the things that are evil…. I couldn’t tell you on the scales of how the Father sees it… but while evil might destroy … good distracts…. While evil might cause a depth of harm that good does not … good pacifies the senses and leaves one dulled….. and so that which we call the knowledge of good and that which we would call the knowledge of evil have within them the same fruit in our lives…..a variation of a life that is not abundant and that isn’t the life we are called to.... a fruit more of spiritual death than of life

While this blog post might be the sketchiest one and while the tendency in my heart right now is to delete it and attempt to rewrite it… and while I might attempt a rewrite… there is something we need to get here ..

The Father has done what He has done so that we will not just be rescued from the evil but that we can choose to step away from that which is good and move towards life… I don’t pretend to know what that would mean for anyone.. I don’t even pretend to understand it completely for my life… But I know His wooing and I know there is a place where knowledge whether of good or of evil does not touch… and that place is a place of life….. and an abundant one at that…. So walk this road I will… asking for the Lord to not just deliver me from evil but to deliver me from good and bring me further into the life He offers…. Further away from even the good that would distract .... further away from good things that would try to take my affections and tie them to this world and then keep me from the life I was intended to walk within.....

1 comment:

Molly Patterson said...

Today you put on your "big brave Princess" shoes and started on a path that has made your Papa smile. You have set your face and your heart toward what is GOD's best, not just our expectation of what is "good".
I heard someone say once, "Good can be the enemy of best". While good can satisfy for a time, it will never satisfy in the same way that God's total best would. God's heart for man was total communion with Him. That was interrupted by the knowledge of Good and Evil. Our minds, our expectaions began to filter and try to control.
1 Corinthians 10:23 (The Message)
"Looking at it one way, you could say, "Anything goes. Because of God's immense generosity and grace, we don't have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster." But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well."

I have always taken this passage to speak of that life that is truly ours to take hold of if we would just let go of our own need to figure out what will make us "feel better".

anyway.... I love it, I agree with it and I wish I had thought to write it.