Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weakness does its work well

Weakness is such an interesting experience. Standing outside today with the AC repair man I found myself in a situation where weakness was taking over and that was that..... looking at the man, oh so many thoughts ran through my head.... as I began to feel cold and clammy thoughts became cloudy and I grabbed a hold of the unit.... Terrified I was about to pass out or throw up on the man with my two youngest kids inside.... I looked up at him and said I didn't feel good and turned around to walk towards the house. I got inside and I laid (before falling) down onto the floor.

I want this weakness to brand me...... Not that I am glad I feel ill tonight but I embrace the physical picture of weakness as a reminder that I am always weak and only through His strength am I made perfect...... I'm not shy nor do I appreciate false humility.... I think acknowledging what God has given is of utmost importance... however sometimes in my strength and abilities I can run forward and get ahead of myself. Yet desperately always desiring to dwell and rest and walk with Him into what He is doing and to admit that without Him there would be no good thing...

I have seen ministries obtain momentum... which I think can be the worst enemy of any ministry. In momentum things can take on a life of their own and eventually one can see that most of the operations could actually take place without the grace and presence of the Lord. This weakness tonight is a gift... a reminder .... to live a life weak before Him but strong in Him..... to appreciate success when given but to acknowledge whose success it is and to whom all the glory is given......

I love our Father's house... I love His Kingdom.. I love that one day all sickness and death will be gone.... I love who He is and I love.. I love.. being His daughter.... I picture myself gazing up towards Him and embracing His strength and perfection.... I picture His smile and His embrace... and I know... I truly know that in my weakness His strength is made perfect and for that I am glad.


Anonymous said...

You're such a mystic (in a deep way). Have you read any of the mystics' writings, yet? I just started—my favorite so far is Julian or Norwich.

mims said...

Madam Guyon is a favorite. As is Theresa of Avila. St John of the Cross. I read mostly of those who lived in other times. There is a richness to their words and experience that woo me.
Blessings to u. So glad Jer introduced us. I enjoy your postings.