"Is this community big enough for us to not be friends?" You read it right... That question began one of the most honest conversations that I had ever had with a friend..... Yes, we were friends. But we lived in a community where at times... well, we joke and say it was the best of times and the worst of times....... and then another friend of mine and I joke that when we write the book ... well, that time in our lives will have it's own chapter... (atleast)
What am I saying? Why this morning.... why these words..... Well I just read an article that moved me..... a commentator expressing his views on watching the movie "Blind Side." Which I loved by the way... side note.... It talked about appreciating what we have and knowing what is truly important....
That friend of mine that I had that conversation with ... well, she is an incredible person... and I love knowing her... she is full of life and energy and a vibrancy that shakes the world.... knowing her changed me... helped me see that some things weren't always as important as I would make them out to be... helped me loosen up a bit....
So the article.. go read it .. I linked it on my facebook page as well.. originally found on CNN.... talked about entitlement.... that we have lost an appreciation for well.. being appreciative because we feel we are due something or owed something... while forgetting to just be grateful and thankful...
For all of my Christian walk I have been in Charismatic circles... having been on a hiatus for more than three years belonging to no congregation nor attending any where weekly... I have gone through many journeys..... the one I am the most grateful for is the break from Charis mania.. a striving to walk in gifts more than character.. more than love.... a looking for anointing before embracing the person next to you for who they are......
That is what had brought my friend and I to the point of that previously mentioned conversation... I had lost the essence of what being a Christian truly means.... and jealousy and envy had taken root.... The bible says where those things are so does every evil thing exist....... and its true... we had lost love because we had thought that the favor or the anointing one had was more important than the actual person standing in front of us ...
Now don't get me wrong... I love ... LOVE ... The gifts of God... but the journey I have been on these last three years has shown me that love, friendship, and family is the greatest of these.... truly.... as people who pursue the movements of God ... let us first pursue love.... because one day prophecy will pass away.. all will pass away... BUT Love will endure forever!
1 comment:
Mims, thank you for sharing! I totally understand what you're saying and I too will have a chapter on this in my book someday. :) Here's to love being number one!!!
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