We learn in school to close our mouths and raise our hands and wait until we are called upon... although that scenario is needed in the class room the accompanying lesson that follows into adulthood can end up being a hindrance. At best it is a social lesson learned that needs to be overcome. At worst it is a lesson that breaks or wounds the very spirit of the individual..... What about the child that is never called upon? Or the child that makes a mistake and is laughed at and doesn't raise their hand again. There are many scenarios... we all either lived them personally or watched them play out in the classrooms of our youth......
There is a passion raising up in me to help unlock the voices of those who have learned to stop speaking..... because of aspects in their lives there are people who don't speak up ... there are people who never learned to speak up..... One thing all of humanity has is a voice... each individual one of us has the capacity to raise a voice and speak up concerning that which is important to them.......
These ideas began to come to me as I realized that through everything I walked through as a child I never spoke up to any adult ... not a relative.. not a teacher... there wasn't one adult that was ever around me that brought me to a place that would have made it safe enough to speak up... at least it never dawned on me to do so.... I was 19 years old before I ever did speak up and then still after that another couple of years passed before I knew how to share and ask for the help I needed.... and years continued to pass before I really learned how to live... really live..... really connect and understand and emerge out of a really weird slumber life state...
I want to be a catalyst to unlock the voices that need to be heard...... so that those that aren't speaking don't have to walk out all those years of life like I did....... saving them time and bringing healing into their lives quicker....
Fear was a big obstacle... I remember being ever so concerned I was going to destroy my family.... That the truth would destroy my life..... but neither the family I was born into nor the family that I have been blessed by God with have been destroyed.... if anything we have all grown stronger through the journey..... with truth came freedom and relief and love... it wasn't easy .. but it wasn't destruction either....
The truth will set you free...... and no matter what valley or mountain that needs to be crossed in the process it is better to be crossed and climbed sooner than later.......
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