I was in Genesis a couple of days ago
and it was the story of Hagar that most attracted my attention.
Today in the Devotional that Stir The
Water does Monday mornings, I put up the optical illusion of the old
woman and the young woman.
The question is as always, What do you
So many times when people in my sphere
of expression talk about the spiritual senses the temptation is to go
thoroughly ethereal. I can no longer just do that. Sure is it
exciting to talk about seeing into the unseen reality? Absolutely!
Do we get as excited to see, I mean
really see, one another? If we each are an expression of the image
of our God, than isn't it a marvelous and stunning opportunity that we
get to see each other daily and interact with an expression of the
image of God on a moment to moment basis.
Or are we products of our culture and we
just want to be titillated and intrigued by the mysterious spiritual
unseen realities. Do we just want to be entertained or captivated so
much so that we put our senses in overdrive even in the spirit.
“Entertain me,” we say, to any would be prophet, and the would be
prophet takes the bait for their so-called “15 minutes of fame.”
I walk in the spheres of the seers. I
have momentary and not so momentary expressions and experiences of
the kingdom of Heaven and the reality of the Lord upon the earth, or
within the spirit. Just as powerful, is that I am growing in learning
how to see others and allow myself to be seen, both by God and man.
Just as powerful can I see the smile on my daughters face and delight
in her joy. See in her joy the joy of our God!
Do we have eyes to see? Do we want to
see what our Father sees?
A first step is to open our eyes to
that which is around us already!
What do we take for granted?
What AREN'T we seeing? What aren't we
seeing that is upon the Father's heart that we see.
When the demons submitted to 72,and the 72 came back to report to Jesus... the 72 were told to rather rejoice that their names were written in the
Lamb's book of life. You want to see? You want to see the lights,
and angels and phenomena of Heaven?
Right now! I mean it .. TODAY! Look to
your left and look to your right... That is the most prized phenomena
of Heaven that you could ever see! Look into the mirror! YOU! You
are the most prized Heavenly phenomena that can be seen....
Read the stories of Hagar.
A foreigner, in a foreign land... not
wanted. Despised. What does she experience?
Her confession becomes in Genesis
16:13, “You are the God who see.” Do you need to know that
reality today? Then a beautiful moment between her and the Lord
happens further into her life after Isaac is born and she is fully
sent away. Are you experiencing rejection? Are you struggling
thinking that you or your offspring have reached the end of life?
Are you feeling forsaken?
You need your eyes open to whatever
wells of water the Lord has for you! Because there are those
In Genesis 21:15-19, we read how the
water was gone from the wine skin and Hagar thought that she and
Ishmael were going to die. Verse 19 starts, “Then God opened her
eyes...” Do you need the Lord to open your eyes to what provision
is before you? Provision for friendship, provision for life,
provision from Him!
The power of having people in our lives
that truly see us is immense.
Let us in our hunger to have eyes to
see not just look upward towards the heavens but horizontally and
have eyes and hearts of courage and compassion...
What a wise post. Your right! Its so awesome to see in the realms of The Spirit! But if we can't see the image of God in the flesh. The reason for the sufferings of Jesus . The ones His Father gave His only Son's life for. I think then- The Fathers heart is grieved. I also see the wonder of God, His majesty , His Word, His importance, though being whitewashed all in the name of inclusion and acceptance. I pray The Lord gives us balance on both. Thank you for the post.
Jesus gave us 2 commandments: love God with all that we are and love others as we love ourselves. We cannot really do the first if we don't do the second and we can't do the second if we don't really do the first.
Loving = seeing = loving = seeing in God's kingdom.
Great post!
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