While still walking through hard seasons there was something that felt like it was coming forward. Nothing about circumstances was shifting but I was.. I was shifting.. I was finding my feet upon the waves.. Upon the rocky times I was arising quicker, not being taken off course as long... Circumstances and situations still came and came and came but as they did and as they do I was stirring towards the realization that they don't get to dictate nor determine the wellness of my soul nor should they... My reality has been dictated and determined... Delight is that which I put my feet upon and what fills me.. It is the joy of the Lord that strengthens me... It is in connecting in Him and with Him and His body that serves to bring the realities of Heaven coursing into my daily life...
While it isn't the huge ah ha moments that really fill in life and the days and times we live, I did wake up to an ah ha moment... Pictures of the man at the pool of Bethesda filled out my mind...
John 5:1-15
New King James Version (NKJV)
After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”
The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”
Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.
So many of the things I have been processing through and lifting up to prayer and beginning to step in made sense...
There are many people just hanging out at the pool.. So many people "hoping" that they are the ones or the one to be put into the waters when they are stirred... So many people just "waiting" for the moving of the water.... So many people waiting and hoping for the waters to be stirred. So many people with the testimony, "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool..."
I've been hanging out at the pool, stuck.... but stuck no longer....
So maybe I wasn't saying that there was no one to put me in the pool but maybe I WAS saying...Sir.. these circumstances and situations aren't what I need them to be...
These thoughts and the realities of them have been circulating within my heart... people wanting a place, people wanting a person to put them there.... Then comes the question.. The timeless question, "Do you want to be made well?"
Do I want to be made well? And what does that fully mean?
All would think the answer would be an inequitably YES! EXCEPT .. it isn't a "yes," it is a response that puts the need and effort of another as what is needed...
Then Jesus speaks.. He speaks the words, ARISE.... ARISE... ARISE AND WALK....
Yes.. We need each other, Yes.. We need each other and we also need to arise and walk....
So many people hanging out at the pools of water.. hoping that the waters get stirred... While I wonder about the command to go.. go into the highways and byways.. GO AND LIVE... Go and Arise.... The waters are stirred... Arise and walk... The circumstances.. The situations.. the reality around the pool doesn't get to dictate nor does it get to determine the wellness of my soul....
Last Sunday I wouldn't have gotten "Mom of the day award." I wouldn't have.. There was an abundance of attitude in the car as we headed towards church.. Yup! I wasn't off our street and I put my foot on the brake in a way that wasn't completely safe and brought the car to an abrupt and complete stand still.
And I began to speak... I began to say that life does suck at times, and most of the time we can not control that which crosses our paths... we can not control if sickness, trials or death cross our path, we can not control whether we face disappointment, sorrow and confusion.. We can not control what comes our way... BUT we can control our response.. We CAN control how we will respond when whatever crosses our path crosses our path... We CAN lean all the harder into Him, who we call Lord.. We can sit and grieve and mourn and we can let His comfort flow, we can arise and walk... WE CAN ARISE AND WALK.....
What I saw in my kids, let me be honest.. What I have seen in myself is that circumstances and situations have whooped my butt at times... And last Sunday their opportunity was to see how are they going to respond. How am I?
As a Co-Director of a small ministry, Stir The Water.. I have been praying for quite some time for vision and clarity... What do people need? I mean.. what do people really need?
What do I need...
Daily... Daily I need to be reminded that I am beloved... That I can arise, that I can arise and walk.. That the waters of my life have been stirred... that they are being stirred.. That now, right now, right now in this very moment... regardless of circumstances.. regardless of situations.. I have one who is thoroughly making intercession for me, that cares for me, that thinks upon me, that is ravished over one look of my eye towards Him, that I matter...
To discover you matter.. daily.. you matter...
Discover that You Matter.. that you are needed, wanted... Daily discover and stand in wonder that you are a creature who is loved and delighted in...
Let the waters of your life be stirred by the Holy One daily and daily arise and stand and walk.. as one who is discovering the wonderment of what it means to be delighted in... Celebrate your life.. Celebrate you... Discover and Celebrate and KNOW.. KNOW .. That you matter... That it matters that you walk the face of the Earth.. It matters that you walk.. It matters that you dream.. It matters...
Discover that you matter and then go and walk and call forth to the highways and byways and the people you meet there that they matter.. Daily... Daily
Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another day after day
Day after day we will jump into Discover.. We will discover dreams, we will discover vision and visions, we will discover Him and we will be discovered.... We will discover the joy that exists within each one of us as we each display the wonder and awe of reflecting His image.... It is a time to discover..
It is a time to be stirred up into all that you are...
It is a time to stir the water and arise and walk...
Stir The Water.............. Discover!
Discovering that there comes a day when the waters are stirred and healing arrives......... This is the day to arise and walk and to dream, to envision, to discover!
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