Saturday, September 7, 2013

Not under religious compulsion or some fabricated sense of duty.............................

My life becomes interesting in moments.

There are moments the reality of Heaven supersedes that of the reality of time and the most amazing conversations transpire.

Last night during such a moment the affection present and the reality of the Heavenly Father's tenderness towards creation... towards me was palpable.  

While I was driving the car home it was as if the Heavens opened and He was there...  "If you could see yourself from this perspective," He said, "If you could see yourself from this perspective, what would you tell yourself."  

There aren't the words to describe to you what that, "perspective,"  is beauty and wonder, it is fierce and tender and life... Maybe that is actually the best word to use... Life. Life was present beyond anything I had ever seen. He is life!

As I stood within the moment.. I knew what it was that His heart was saying...

And I responded by telling him that I would look to the parable of the Master of the house and I would live my life with the understanding that He was coming back to check on the house.  I said I would do so NOT under religious compulsion or some fabricated notion of duty, I would do it because when seeing through His eyes and the reality of Heaven, I am reminded of the most real picture of who it is that we are....

I would cease living lower than my estate called for... I would realize that I have done so daily... I would repent more for not seeing myself through His eyes, His heart, His affections, HIS TRUTH!

Again not out of religious duty but because my heart has been captured and I live enthralled at the idea of how very much I am loved.  I would not live less than that which I am... If a clear picture of all that is to really come for us was branded upon my heart I would live as the Daughter of God that I am....

This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I have hope in Him.”
Lamentation 3

When upon last night the reality of the affection of God surrounded me and strengthened me and opened my eyes to a deeper reality within His heart...  I was reminded to live accordingly by His affections.

It is the love of God that propels me to look at the house of my life and know that I am not my own.. that He is my God.. that there will always... ALWAYS be grace, tenderness, mercy.... ALWAYS.  It is His love and kindness that woos me away from the artificial trappings of temporary relief that the world offers into the depths of the reality of His ways....

The ways of Heaven are raining down upon us.. not necessarily for the signs and wonders, not necessarily for displays of power.. there will be those things....  But the ways of Heaven are raining down upon us so that we can most fully learn His ways... so that in times when the love of most grow cold BUT the need for people for the LIGHT and TRUTH and PASSION of God arises so do His sons and His daughters...


1 comment:

gina said...

Tis is really, really amazing !