Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What it has meant to be disciplined... What it has conveyed to my heart... Why Delighting in the Disciplines is important to me

We talk realities such as sonship and the joy of daughterhood.

I have shared here how just the word, daughter, was hard to choke out at times .. it certainly wasn't a position I would have ever thought had good news attached to it...  But to be a daughter of the Lord and to know His tenderness and His kindness as He spends the time to Father me and to bring me out more and more as His own... that to me is beyond precious...

How has He and how is He doing such things... By training and instructing me in the ways in which I should go.. ie by bringing discipline into my life.....

I think I look at the understanding of discipline in a way that comes from knowing the lack of it... to discipline means to train and instruct.  To train and instruct one must spend time with the pupil... the child... the one who is being trained and instructed...  To prepare.. I love the verse He trains my hands for battle found in Psalm 18:34.. He trains me and equips me so that in the heat of the battle I will not perish.. I will know how to fight ... I will be equipped... He doesn't ever leave me to fend for myself...

Discipline... is equated to the highest act of kindness in my book...

So many places in scripture express to us that He only disciplines those He loves... In Proverbs 13:24  He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.

I know that level of hatred.  

I know what it is to have had to face life not knowing how to live it...  I was not trained and instructed and when I hit life at 17 I hit it and hit it hard and self destructed.  I have watched our oldest son become a man and have watched as he is learned step by step how to walk out this season in his life.  Is he all that he will become? Of course not!  But the child has become a young man and is walking for he has learned and been instructed in some concrete ways of life.

When that doesn't take place what is left is one who is open to perishing... Without understanding the people perish...

I have walked with and talked to and mentored so many revelatory type people who are perishing in one form or facet of their life because they simply were not instructed in the ways that they should go...  

Discipline means the world to me...  it isn't something I take lightly .. I hold the fact that the Lord instructs me in the ways I should go so that it will be well with me very dear to my heart... He is the most loving of fathers and I cherish our times together and His instruction in ways that I know not how to convey...

It is this that caused it to land on my heart to want to journey this road with others... to help birth a community of people who could be confident of the Lord's affections and solid in their understanding of sonship and daughterhood....

So I brought the idea to a few people.. how I wanted to touch this subject with the perspective of my heart and my passion for the heart of the Father as well as my passion that understanding of how the components of seeing and feeling and knowings could be matured as well through the process...And we came up with an idea to Delight in the Disciplines....  

A small group mentoring program with two possible times and with times to meet in larger groups and times to meet in more intimate ones... yes, still across time zones and geography.. still online.. BUT together...

Take a look and come and check us out....  It is a dance and a delight NOT a drudgery and not a performance... a waltz per se into the arms of God.. into the arms and embrace of Father...


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. I am curious though, when I went to the group page, its $50 a month, times up to 40 people. thats $2000 a month. $25,000 for the year, for an online group delighting in the disciplines together?

mims said...

It takes money to run servers and equipment etc... Yes there is a cost to following The Lord but if you are a tithing member of a local body and the cost is a problem for you.. Please contact and ask them that your email be forwarded to me,

mims said...

I have paid much more money for course I wanted to take.. There is a component ininvesting in what is important to you..

Anonymous said...
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