Do you know the stories that start "If you feed a pig a pancake?"
They are great, fun stories that lead the reader down a play by play of what happens if ...
So I was wondering about "goodness" and "happiness" and trust the brilliant people that the Lord has placed in my life, so shot off an email to my pastor, who responded in expected brilliance and kindness and strengthened my soul. So I asked a question that has been really upon my heart... Do you know that if you ask a question that is really upon your heart there could be a good chance that there are those who are wondering the same thing or things that are very similar?
Unbeknowns then to the one who would then ask me a very similar question I had already received the answer... Pasting and copying and crediting the source I sent her the wise words of my pastor.
So if you have something stirring within and reach out looking for insight chances are that those that are also looking for insight and answers will find you and you them. If others who are looking for answers and insight reach out to find their answers chances are that someone will be posting a really good article on the same topic on the same day and chances are that you will be able to share in someone else's journey.
I've said it before but I stand more and more convinced that within the human experience many more than we would ever think are asking the same questions, experiences the same dilemmas hungering for similar understanding... Struggling.. aching.. hungering to be seen and heard... Again I see how the things we don't dare ask or talk about are the things that swirl around our hearts and minds and echo through the caverns of our lives.
I know that the Lord has been changing my mind further into the world view of the Kingdom.. as I just recently said to some friends... "the narrow road gets narrower and narrower." The ideas and concepts of "good" or "happiness" get sorted out through new and different lenses. I am not at all a gnostic but I am not a word of faith, "name it and claim it" individual either.. Trying to find some sacred ground to land on as not been easy.
So my question laid in the thoughts of understanding that the "goodness" of the kingdom of God that works within us will probably more times than not NOT look like the "goodness" that the world says is good. I have really learned to embrace and value that the "good" things God works within me are beyond worth whatever circumstances or situations happen to help cultivate said "goodness." But in the flesh I have gotten weary at times of all the interior benefits and wondered when and/or if "goodness" in the natural would cross our paths again.
The question asked of me was somewhat coming at a different direction.. the individual is experiencing much "goodness" and "happiness" but is longing for "the more"... Those questions were coming from a place of satisfaction of the "goodness" in the land but an aching for something beyond that.
We read the beatitudes and in them we find ways so thoroughly contrary to the ways of the world. I have also found myself reading in Psalm 146:5 where we read, "Happy is the one whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God." The Lord is our help and our hope and in all things knows so thoroughly all that which we have need of in our lives.
I have needed interior strengthening and hungered for that to be cultivated, I have need of the Lord to help us in our times of need and I can trust that I will be "happy," for God is my help and my hope and in Him I live and move and have my being. The world does not offer fullness of happiness as I saw from the questions that were then being asked of me.. What a balance that needs to be walked.. what understanding and wisdom that is truly needed.
There is something that is stirring about "happiness" and "goodness," I have seen these things popping up all around me.. Happiness and goodness and the flip side of that coin, sorrow. I have watched the coin get tossed up into the air and spin and seen each side gets its turn to rest upon the landscapes of our souls. I have tasted that through sorrow true goodness can and does emerge and happiness does as well...
Through it all I have found that the place of security and rest is upon leaning into and being content with the Christ who nurtures our souls oh so much better than we could ever imagine...
There is something that is stirring... I have not the fullness of the answers as the journey and the walk is still where I find myself.. something beautiful truly exists in the recipe of life that is sorrow and goodness and true happiness.. I have tasted where fear steals the beauty of the journey and am trying to rest in contentment instead... Touching sadness and sorrow, and knowing the goodness of the Lord rarely looks like the flesh would like it to.. but knowing and trusting in the fact that His eyes are ever upon the sparrow and they are watching over me as well.. counting the hairs upon my head and cherishing my heart.
There is so much goodness that surrounds me daily and there is so much opportunity for joy, touching sorrow only intensifies the gifts and serves to birth deeper and deeper appreciation..
So I asked my question and chances are that the answers I have received are bearing fruit already.. so in the answers bearing fruit already chances are hope is flourishing and joy is permeating all things....
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