Saturday, September 8, 2012

How this girl walks the distant shores and invites you to do the same

Driving down the road my thoughts drifted to this one girl that I had talked to earlier in the week... We had talked about ministry.... and as I thought of her my heart felt sad and I thought of a follow up conversation that I wanted to have with her..... As I thought of all the things that I wanted to say about ministry to her all of a sudden I was on the edge of waters and sand.... holding His hand... walking with Him.... and all that I am made up of melted.... relief... breath.... peace.... holding His hand and walking with Him.... and Home... Home... Home...... I soaked it all in......

Why do I write this piece this morning? I write as a visitor on foreign soil..... and there were things on His heart to share... but not to necessarily share what He was speaking but the process.... You see you won't get fullness of life from hearing the words that flow forth from His heart into mine... In those moments that encompassed me driving .. me thinking of a precious precious daughter of our King  to being with Him on the shores... to Him opening up the moments that transpired before those events.... There were things of His heart for me to share about the process because He wants you o enter in and not live off the experiences of others but to walk into the deep darknesses like Moses.. not stand afar being satisfied to let the “moseses” to walk before you and know God for you....

So I was sitting in my car...
driving down a highway...
my thoughts on nothing in particular...
Then I thought of this beautiful human being...
I thought of the words she shared..
I thought of her heart..
I thought of her face
I thought of her
I thought and I thought of how ministry and “working” for God robs the heart of the wealth He comes to bring......
I thought of her and I thought of her
I thought of a walk I wanted to have with her
I thought of a conversation that I wanted to have with her...

Then I could ever so faintly feel a shift coming... (here's the reason I share... it was beyond faint in the beginning... )
To share that the moments that came forward could have been so easily dismissed and shaken away as just fancy... as just my imagination.... as nothing... And yet... oh my … and yet... in that moment it was heaven touching earth... wooing me to higher... wooing me to Him... wooing me to enter in.. An invitation... a beckoning... not a demand... not forced..... a most magnificent and beautiful calling forth for me to touch Home.......

I know that I know that I know how many times I have allowed the noises of this world to drown out those sweet invitations... shaking them off as nothing.... shaking them off as me... shaking off my Maker... Creator... King.... because in arrogance I assume that it is just the winds of fancy while in the truest of realities it is the whispers of Heaven....

So I went from thinking of my friend... to the distant shores.... lungs breathing in the air that saturates my very being and makes me whole.... holding a hand that was pierced for me.... standing next to the one whose strength I am very much in need..... listening to the waters cascading upon the shores that I call Home.....

As I stood on the distant shores... a picture floated into my head... and I saw myself laying face down upon the sands …. beyond the touch of the waters but face down … and He approached... Compassion put me back upon my feet.... gentleness lifted me up... kindness lifted my head.. passion took hold of my hand......

What was He doing? Showing the moments before the walk...... showing the moments before I had even thought of my friend... showing me how thoroughly He sees... showing me that the befores... showing me that the afters... showing me the nows... showing me how thoroughly He is always pursuing... showing me that I don't think upon Him but His wooing... and His wooing is forever and always beckoning......

I am stranger on foreign soil.. and my Home is always and forever only a breath away... I am not a stranger of that place.. that place is Home.. Home.. Home.. .This place and its ways are what is temporary...... I am bringing forth the reality of a place that knows no sorrow.. no sadness.... no tears.... no sickness.. no death.... no lies.. no corruption... no destruction..... I carry that reality with me at all times.... at all times... it courses its way through me and in me and it is what surrounds me... always … always.... in the moments when I am aware... in the moments I am unaware.....

His tangible reality is always at hand as much needed as the very air I breath... as very real.... if the air were to be removed I would fall down instantly in death.... and even more so with His presence.... It is the sustaining beauty and love of He who rules all Heaven that calls the morning to awaken... and the stars to shine and sing...... It is He who swirls and sustains me and in His own words never forsaking.. never leaving...... In Him I live and breath and have my being... In Him you live and breath and have your being... Where can you go that He is not there?

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will lay hold of me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
And the light around me will be night,”
Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to You.
Psalm 139: 8-12

In the faintest movements .. in the real of whispers .. He beckons... He woos.... He invites.... Our hearts know... our starving... our hungry inner most beings know..... desire..... long.... Listen to He who calls you forth... allow the sweetest of beckonings land upon your heart today.... and take hold of  He who has taken hold of you ever so firmly.....

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