Tuesday, July 3, 2012

not a dog ......

I sat in my friend's living room as he told the story...  we had been talking about ministry and Jesus and the heart beat of life in God as my friend began to retell a story he had been told......

A well known leader who has gone on to be with our God had been in a meeting... now I know not the scenario to which he spoke this ... I was only told that which he had said.... but coming forth out of this leader's  mouth were the words... that the people sitting at the table with him... his lead team.. his staff.....  were dogs pulling his sled and that he could get other dogs tomorrow....

My heart cringed not so much because I couldn't believe that any one given the right atmosphere or mentality  would say such a thing... my heart cringed at the thought that not one person sitting at that table rose up to leave.... again not knowing the scenario behind the comment and not having been in the room I really have no idea what was what....

But what really struck my heart was as my friend and I continued to converse... and I spoke that .. that I thought it sad that nobody would stand up at that moment and say that as a child of God I am nobody's dog....  to which my friend spoke of how people (and I understand this... truly I do) feel that around one like this man there is a special presence of God that wouldn't be around them if they were not around said man.....

This is no slight to those that are anointed of God... but the ideas that have been rattling around in my heart are those that are found in Philippians and in the gospels... and all over the New Testament... the passages that talk about the body... the verses that speak about the lesser parts getting more honor and that those walking in offices are not those to be served but they are called  to serve and serve and serve and serve until the whole body matures into the fullness....

These past months of pressure cooking living and watching a pruning upon my life unlike I have never really known has propelled me forward into more of the understanding that we as Israel want... desire... a king.... and yet the King of kings stands at the door.... we grab ahold of all the gods we see in our culture instead of standing being held by the One who is the Lord Most High..... we immerse ourselves in the pleasures and comforts of this world instead of allowing our souls to be comforted by the truest One called Comforter.....

I have seen mindsets ... mentalities... fall off of me as I have yearned to lay a hold of that which Christ has laid a hold of me..... it is becoming easier and easier to see with His eyes and allow my heart to comprehend His ways as He reveals them....

The understanding that it is in the maturity of the Body that fullness will dwell not the one or the two....  and the call to serve and not consider equality or superiority anything to be grasped must thrive in my heart beyond anything else....  Paul calls  talk that compares leaders  foolish and says who is Paul and who is Apollos... we are all servants of the Lord Most High...

But here's the deal as well... the Gospel was never meant to tantalize and entice... it roars into lives and brings life not meanders in allowing the recipient to pick and choose which parts will be adhered to.... 

I have found in this season in my life more growth towards being His daughter than in any other season... though other seasons have held more ecstatic experiences with God no season as ever held the amount of change.... the match upon this place has been to yield.. to yield to His ways.. to yield to His correction.. His discipline (only meaning to instruct and to teach) and His rebuke.... I have seen how thoroughly I am loved by the Lord as He has brought His calling upon my life to enter into the living and breathing place of daughter...  maturing as I walk side by side... as I lean and allow Him to carry ..... 

A peace beyond anything amidst a season of great activity has saturated my soul and I sit and I smile for I know that I am being transformed more and more into His likeness and while death isn't ever really pleasant... the smell of true life is beyond sweet....

The way I'm learning to see people .. truly see them... see their hearts.. their dreams.. their personhood... as beyond precious....   I wouldn't trade for anything.. His compassion wells up and to pour out my life daily upon my husband.. my children.. the community I am surrounded by... to look and see the goodness of the Lord in that land of the living and realize that there is so much beauty out there and to know that His greatest hearts desire is that people would know that they know that they know that they are loved and cherished by the very One who knew them intimately before the foundations of the earth were ever laid....

To this end I walk.... to grow.. to be pruned... to live... to breathe... to smile... to smile at the days to come because there is a wedding that is promised that is going to be so very grand..... so very grand indeed and when you know where it is you are destined to go then the obstacles don't look as intimidating as they once did and those giants that exist in the land will be subdued... and all will truly be well.......... 

Because I am really not a dog looking for crumbs from the table.. I am a child... a daughter.....  and His presence surrounds me and goes before me and crowns me with loving kindness... And His table is set before me in the presence of my enemies and His banquet table is grand and the banner over our lives is love...

Loving God... Loving each other....  What a beautiful life I get to live

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