I keep hearing the phrase that those
things that we aren't speaking are killing us.... I have heard it
upon the wind of the atmosphere almost continually for weeks now...
It has carried me forward upon its wings and propelled me to open my
mouth... I have shared publicly within meetings and have now begun to
write down portions of my journey I have never uttered before...
I share these things for those that
walk similar roads and for those that walk those roads with them... I
also share these things for all... for within us all
is that fear .. that concern that we will be found out and if we are
what then would be our lot.... Whether it is our proverbial darker
side or events of past or present there are things we carry upon
ourselves because of shame and the fear of humiliation that are
causing us to suffocate and hindering us from soaring as sons and
daughters of The Most High...
long to be one who comes along and as in the words of Marianne
Williamson (quoted by Nelson Mandela) “As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
been liberated and in my freedom so desire to speak of things that
aren't spoken of... desire to open up pathways for others to walk
upon... Once having shrunk back from all that was my story I now
place it in the hands of Father and will watch and wait upon Him...
here is a new story.. one I have never written out before....
remember the days before the diagnosis... I remember what they felt
like... I remember driving around and around town because of a panic
so deep inside that I couldn't breathe... I remember calling
friends frantically trying to explain to someone that it didn't just
feel like a bad day or a string of bad days... it felt like I was
coming undone and couldn't stop the process....
couldn't rest.. I couldn't pause... I was horrified by the frenzy and
yet needed to keep going at all costs...
of the worst moments were yet to come....
I remember of those days is only a portion... a part....
first moments were in regards to a phone call... Hearing the words,
“when we spoke earlier,” from a friend only brought confusion...
Trying to cover up lack ( I didn't remember any earlier conversation)
I tried to go with the flow but events were about to unfold that
wouldn't be so easily covered up...
in a grocery store with no recollection of how I got there or where
exactly there was.. that sadly would happen all too often... Not the
grocery store per se but places and locations.. once as far away from
home as 8 hours.... Awakening from a daze or a state of confusion I
would emerge and bewilderment and horror would set in... fear was a
companion that would not let go...
there are the stories from the dearest of friends of how through a
string of events... such as my then 3 year old not showing up for
school... and phone calls among friends .. I would be discovered in
bed unaware of surroundings with my sweet three year old playing by
the side of my bed....that day I would come aware in the arms of a
friend in the safety of her house....
was my life with a fractured soul.. mind... whatever you desire to
call it..the big labels are scarier.. but carry no more or no less
with them... I know the events that had left me in such a state and
I knew the state that I was in … what no one could know was how it
was going to all be played out.... Between the love and dedication
of a few and with counseling we began to walk through territory that
was uncharted … at least for us... unsure of length of time... I
was in my early 30s.. would it be a life time... would it be years...
what would be … my husband having to face the realities of his
wife's mental capacity... four young children needing a mother to
love and guide them... the reality of the brokenness was far
reaching and scary.. the unknown large and overshadowing...
One is so much larger and overshadows things that would overshadow..
within 9 months and through a set of miraculous events a
transformation would occur that would even leave the Christian
counselors looking in awe and potential disbelief....
healed and more whole then I had ever known we emerged from the
shadows of death....
lingered was the shame... the humiliation... the horror of where I
had been... the stigma of the labels....You don't have to had touched
multiple personality disorders, or disassociative identity disorders
to touch shame, humiliation, fear, the stigma of a label...
I take my pebbles and I look at my giants upon a field where many an
observer dare not tread and I go and face down stigma and label....
a dearest of friends once told me that as a child I had just been
clever enough to find the counterfeit way to hide oneself in a safe
place... but that the truth was there is a safe place so authentic
and so magnificent that it shelters beyond anything anyone could ever
even comprehend.... The Lord is my refuge I shall not fear....
18:10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs
into it and is safe.”
91:2 “I
will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”
My God, in whom I trust!”
Deuteronomy 33:12“May
the beloved of the LORD dwell in security by Him,
Who shields him all the day,And he dwells between His shoulders.”
Who shields him all the day,And he dwells between His shoulders.”
These aren't sweet platitudes for me...
they are that which has changed my life.... For I am His and He is
mine and He so very much cares for me.....
Super powerful testimony of what God has done for you and what an awesome display of vulnerability in sharing all that!
thank you for opening your life and sharing your story of being lost and saved...so remarkably. you are brave and true and real and loving. I'm sharing this with a friend who suffers in a similar way and needs the saving arms of Jesus too. your story can touch her like I never could. xoxo
Ginnie it is for those like you who walk along side those who are more like I was that I step out... your words meet me so deep for this is my desire.. to help others understand and bring comfort and hope to those that are journeying upon paths that seem so dark.. thank you for taking the time to comment.. it blesses me to hear that these risks I take aren't for nought
I am a counselor and all of my patients are of the variety of which you speak. Your testimony is one of courage. I often tell my patients that no one is born with courage, but develops it through chosing to push forward despite their fear. I too find that without the Lord whispering words of knowledge and giving me discernment, I'd be as confused as a fart in a mitten. But with the Lord's words and truth, I've had the priviledge to see patients make tremendous break throughs that might never happen within a week, instead of years of counseling. Attacks of the mind can and I believe will happen to everyone sometime in their life, some people more than others. But it's so helpful Mims to break the secrets that keep us sick. So, thank you.
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