We don't go there...
We don't do that...
We can't touch that, taste that, see that...
What was that again? What are we supposed to do?
Samaria, women, tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers.... The untouchables, the unknowables, the things that make us unclean...
He went there
He did that
He touched, tasted and saw
My journey has become more private in these last months. The places being walked tender, hard, beautiful, quiet! The paradigm has shifted and re-shifted, and just when I thought it was done shifting, there the world goes again tipping and shifting.

A couple weeks ago while I was in church I was struck by the immense "WOW" of God... But truly didn't know what was coming. In these last few days that word, "WOW," followed by an awe and reverence for God and how big He is and how immense He is and how expansive He is has just landed and landed and landed again.
I will probably begin to share more about my journey in the days to come... For now I will share with you some things I wrote in my journal....
Wow~ In not wanting to be deceived I was deceived by fear into a status quo that is an impotent facade of what the earth knew when Christ 's feet touched its soil, when the remembrances of the Creators voice, that had commanded it to become now heard in the eternal echo of creation the voice of a man singing, laughing, teaching, weeping, commanding! The wind and the waves which had once found their birth through His voice would now be stilled and come to attention.
When and as I am letting go I see very clearly the strength to strength through which You are bringing me.
It is the totality of my Father's world that is inviting me towards fullness and creativity. An invitation to touch the divine and into the depths of me touch resurrection of life after facing so much death.
My journey has been way to small. In thinking small was the narrow of the gospels I have suffocated under the auspices of man. If the narrow way is a mile I have only trodden 2 inches of its width and depth out of fear to not be lead astray. Only now to awaken to see the depths of the narrow path are so very wide and full. They are not constrictive but illuminating and powerful. They are full of the songs of freedom, their echos continue to stretch forth through the centuries coming forward from the times past.
Religion had almost choked my very l ife from me but though I had made my bed in the depths of the sheol facade of religious "christianity," He forever saw me and in His pursuit did not leave me there to perish.
It was for life and freedom that He came and still comes. The eternal one became an embryo, was born an infant, grew to a man who touched and saw and went and loved to the point of becoming the Savior and now sits enthroned forever and ever.
This season I am touching an ever expansive God who in His perfect love is washing away fear and life is erupting.... I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth.. That had been my prayer for months and now that it is happening I stand amazed... He is immense and expansive and full of life and love and liberty...
I think the realization is that I had thought of Him so small and now have encountered Him and I am forever changed by an immensity of Him that He has shared and even that I am sure is only a miniscule fraction of what there is to come!
He is the breathe of Heaven... Breath Him in!