The phone rang. Utter shock and disbelief ran through my body as I looked to see who it was. When I saw the name on the screen I tried to choke back sobs as I picked it up. There are no words to express what those few seconds were all about for me. Trying to compose myself to say hello only broke down into the sobs that I had tried so hard to keep back. I kept trying to compose myself……. Words were tumbling out of my mouth trying to explain what was happening. All I could think of was my poor friend who had placed a phone call only to have a crazy person on the other end.
Things in life had caught up with me and I had been sitting at my desk thinking there was no one to talk to …… no one I could just pour out my heart to that would understand all that was there and be able to actually help. In my mind I couldn’t think through whom at that point in the day I could call. Within that scene the phone rang and as I looked at the name…… the sobs came…. Because but of course she would be the one who at that moment would call……..
I had been sitting alone at my desk looking to the Heavens hoping that God was seeing me… hoping that He was hearing my heart and upon that scene a call came that helped me pour out my heart and express myself and my thoughts.
This morning the deep belief in me arose in light of this scene and truly brought back to remembrance that we are the Body of Christ. He needs us to receive those thoughts and messages about each other so that we can step in and be His hands, His voice, His heart to those around us……
All I can say is that there aren’t the words of gratitude to express that my friend who had thought of me placed that phone call in that moment…. Because the power of that moment lay not only in the friendship but in the fact that in that moment God was saying you are not alone…. I do see you and I do hear you….
May we act more purposefully on the things we think and feel throughout the day…. For we never know when that nudging… that gentle prodding… is a Father saying I need you…..