Well....... for days the thought about writing on this again as come to me.... idea after idea have been dancing in my head. So here I go... where.. not really sure but on a journey.. I guess this is the next step for me in walking this passage... this life....
I was out a while back with some friends. As I started to share a story the table quieted and the girls leaned in.... that moment has kept flashing before me ..... I was reminded about how at one point in my life... the Lord spoke to me and told me if I was willing to be transparent and share from my life that he would bring healing to those I touched.... In all honesty it has been a while since I have truly shared much from my life..... whether it was a turn towards being mom to little kids again or a timing issue I am not sure.... yet now I feel once again that a time has come for me to open up and see what the Lord would have me share... as my Yidus nana would say Oy vey....
But let's see what happens........